Finally !!!! you won"t be receiving these blog posts in the future.
Finally !!!! you can feel comfortable that all future emails from me, as will be an attempt to contact you for coffee, lunch or just catch up.
Finally !!!! the bombardment of higher values and purpose will come from another email.
Finally !!!! Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas Foundation has its own website.
Please go to to review, comment and make suggestions for the web site design and content. I did the design myself, with the help of software. Although it is not complete as of today, I will continue to improve it with your help.
My new email regarding PSOGF is
I am looking forward to your comments and suggestions.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
I am taking this time of recuperation to focus on the challenge of forgiveness.
Daily we are transgressed upon by those we know, those we don't know and those we don't know we don't know. It could be fate or circumstance. It could be friend or foe. It could be an act of G-d.
Most times, those that have injured us do not know or care that they have done so. It is not usually done with malice nor intent. It is usually by virtue of an act of self interest. A means to better themselves or their collective interests, by a thoughtless selfish act or decision. So how do we learn to forgive, when we have been injured through transgressions of another ? Most of us find it difficult to turn the other cheek (I know I do), as we usually receive another slap against our exposed cheek or a boot to another part of our anatomy.
As a child and now adult, how have you dealt with acts or decisions by your parents or peers when you were young. You may have been grounded or you may have lost privileges in a manner you thought was unfair. Did you live through a divorce and feel that somehow it was your fault ? Some have been exposed to harsher transgressions of mental, physical or sexual abuse. Some have had exposure to persons with drug or alcohol addiction. How does one forgive those actions and the persons who committed those acts against you. How can one forgive, when those transgressions have formed the people we have become. Maybe in school you were the target of bullies or an outcast from the cliques that formed in your school yards. How have you forgiven those that purposefully harmed you emotionally or physically ?
As an adult, most have been injured by others in a financial way. Some of us may have lost savings, homes, careers by virtue of acts and decisions of others we don't know in banking institutions or the corporations we work for. All of us have been exposed to decisions by our governments (run by politicians, we don't know and bureaucrats, we don't know) that have cost us a reduction in the value of our assets and equities. Through inflation and (potentially soon) higher interest rates, the agreement we have with governments and lenders may change to further their self interest and injure our personal interests.
Let's assume two persons making the average family income of $60,000 per year. Those two people buy an average home of $250,000 with a 5% down payment. They max their TFSA (IRA in the USA) and RSP (401K in the USA) and do not have any other savings accounts. They also have a car payment on a used SUV. Without doing the math, I can illustrate how those acts of self interest by those you don't know can effect your life and lifestyle. What if the banks double the lending rate for mortgages prior to your 5 year renewal (remember others in your newly built neighborhood would have gotten a mortgage at about the same time). You or your neighbor may not be able to pay the increased mortgage payment and may be forced to sell at a lesser value or even have the unfortunate experience of foreclosure (I believe the number is 3.5 million foreclosed homes in the USA). What if one of you lost a job to changes in your corporation's financial status, new government regulations or onerous legislation ? Your assets and life plan would be at risk. If you don't think this is a possibility - you may want to read up on recent world events in North America, Europe and China. As governments look to increase their tax base, the potential for higher municipal taxes, provincial/state taxes and federal tax increases are looming over the North American economy. Potential changes to increase tax rates may in fact reduce your retirement income as you withdraw from your tax sheltered investments. The governments in power now or in the future may put an environmental or infrastructure tax on gasoline. That would make your SUV more costly to operate.
Regarding those persons and entities that you don't know you don't know, the whole worldwide financial system as we have trusted and believed in - may collapse due to 5 banks that are involved in approximately 95% of the derivatives market (hundreds of trillions of dollars). Although derivatives are thought to be net neutral, what if the insurance companies that take the risk side of the financial instrument cannot meet their obligations. Not possible ? Read up on AIG. If other insurers go bankrupt - what happens to annuities that have been issued as safe investments to unsuspecting and unsophisticated investors, what happens to pension funds, what direction do the cost of premiums for other insurance products go, what happens to real estate (both multi-family and commercial) when these insurance companies must liquidate their assets to cover their obligations ? What happens to your income taxes and the value of your assets, when the government injects fiat (devalued) money into those companies that are too big to fail ?
Can you forgive me for discussing the above and bringing these issues to your attention? Can you forgive me for being morose and circumspect ? Can you forgive me for saying that all that you know or think you know is dark and serious ? Can you forgive me ?
The point of this blog is to uplift you, not depress you. To share with you a path shown to me by others, who have been through challenges and circumstances far worse than I can imagine. A path that I am trying to follow to lessen my bitterness, to not dwell on anger and strengthen my hope for the future. It doesn't require you to confess if you're Catholic, atone during Yom Kippur or Ramadan by fasting if your Jewish or Muslim nor being born again if you are Christian. It has nothing to do with asking forgiveness from the higher power you believe in. It is easy to ask for forgiveness from another person or your god. It takes no courage to ask for something that another has power over.
I'm suggesting a more difficult path to happiness. To forgive yourself.
Can you forgive yourself ? For not being strong enough to stand up for yourself when you were young ? You should do it, that is forgive yourself. You were just a little kid and had no personal power. You were dependent on others. It was never your fault for the acts and decisions others made, even if you felt it was your fault. Try to forgive those who hurt you, don't forget, refuse to do those acts upon others and get on with your life from this day forward. Above all - forgive yourself.
Can you forgive yourself for believing in the government, the corporations you work for and financial institutions that have affected your life and lifestyle through selfish decisions on their part ? You should do it, that is forgive yourself. You were taught to believe that if you went to school, learned a profession or trade, worked hard, saved money, bought a house, saved for retirement and were a good citizen - then the governments you entrusted, the corporations you worked for and the financial institutions you trusted to protect you - would all do the right things. You would retire on your hard earn savings and enjoy the last days of your life. It was told to you in school, during elections, on TV, in books and magazine articles. Try to forgive them, don't forget, refuse to allow those persons or organizations to perform those acts upon you again, protect your freedom, protect your finances and get on with your life from this day forward. Above all - forgive yourself.
Can you forgive yourself ? Knowing all that you have done, all that you have thought about, all that you crave and lust for. Please, forgive yourself.
Can you forgive yourself ? For standing by when others were bullied and taken advantage of. When you didn't stop another for acts of selfishness or power that affected those you love or care for. Please, forgive yourself.
Can you forgive yourself ? Because, in the past you haven't done the right things ? Please start to do the right things. Above all - forgive yourself.
Philosopher's Stone Oil and Gas Foundation is an endeavor to do the right thing. To somehow help others that need a flexible work environment. Older workers that have disabilities, that still need employment due to situations that were beyond their control and want to believe in something greater than themselves. Younger workers that are looking for guidance and an opportunity to work for a purpose greater than themselves. We will help persons and families that need a hand up and not just a hand out. We will offer a different business model to the oil and gas industry, that benefits both existing corporations and the communities they work in.
The time that you have right now, is all that you can count on. There is no future, there is no past. There is only now. NOW - FORGIVE YOURSELF !!!
Daily we are transgressed upon by those we know, those we don't know and those we don't know we don't know. It could be fate or circumstance. It could be friend or foe. It could be an act of G-d.
Most times, those that have injured us do not know or care that they have done so. It is not usually done with malice nor intent. It is usually by virtue of an act of self interest. A means to better themselves or their collective interests, by a thoughtless selfish act or decision. So how do we learn to forgive, when we have been injured through transgressions of another ? Most of us find it difficult to turn the other cheek (I know I do), as we usually receive another slap against our exposed cheek or a boot to another part of our anatomy.
As a child and now adult, how have you dealt with acts or decisions by your parents or peers when you were young. You may have been grounded or you may have lost privileges in a manner you thought was unfair. Did you live through a divorce and feel that somehow it was your fault ? Some have been exposed to harsher transgressions of mental, physical or sexual abuse. Some have had exposure to persons with drug or alcohol addiction. How does one forgive those actions and the persons who committed those acts against you. How can one forgive, when those transgressions have formed the people we have become. Maybe in school you were the target of bullies or an outcast from the cliques that formed in your school yards. How have you forgiven those that purposefully harmed you emotionally or physically ?
As an adult, most have been injured by others in a financial way. Some of us may have lost savings, homes, careers by virtue of acts and decisions of others we don't know in banking institutions or the corporations we work for. All of us have been exposed to decisions by our governments (run by politicians, we don't know and bureaucrats, we don't know) that have cost us a reduction in the value of our assets and equities. Through inflation and (potentially soon) higher interest rates, the agreement we have with governments and lenders may change to further their self interest and injure our personal interests.
Let's assume two persons making the average family income of $60,000 per year. Those two people buy an average home of $250,000 with a 5% down payment. They max their TFSA (IRA in the USA) and RSP (401K in the USA) and do not have any other savings accounts. They also have a car payment on a used SUV. Without doing the math, I can illustrate how those acts of self interest by those you don't know can effect your life and lifestyle. What if the banks double the lending rate for mortgages prior to your 5 year renewal (remember others in your newly built neighborhood would have gotten a mortgage at about the same time). You or your neighbor may not be able to pay the increased mortgage payment and may be forced to sell at a lesser value or even have the unfortunate experience of foreclosure (I believe the number is 3.5 million foreclosed homes in the USA). What if one of you lost a job to changes in your corporation's financial status, new government regulations or onerous legislation ? Your assets and life plan would be at risk. If you don't think this is a possibility - you may want to read up on recent world events in North America, Europe and China. As governments look to increase their tax base, the potential for higher municipal taxes, provincial/state taxes and federal tax increases are looming over the North American economy. Potential changes to increase tax rates may in fact reduce your retirement income as you withdraw from your tax sheltered investments. The governments in power now or in the future may put an environmental or infrastructure tax on gasoline. That would make your SUV more costly to operate.
Regarding those persons and entities that you don't know you don't know, the whole worldwide financial system as we have trusted and believed in - may collapse due to 5 banks that are involved in approximately 95% of the derivatives market (hundreds of trillions of dollars). Although derivatives are thought to be net neutral, what if the insurance companies that take the risk side of the financial instrument cannot meet their obligations. Not possible ? Read up on AIG. If other insurers go bankrupt - what happens to annuities that have been issued as safe investments to unsuspecting and unsophisticated investors, what happens to pension funds, what direction do the cost of premiums for other insurance products go, what happens to real estate (both multi-family and commercial) when these insurance companies must liquidate their assets to cover their obligations ? What happens to your income taxes and the value of your assets, when the government injects fiat (devalued) money into those companies that are too big to fail ?
Can you forgive me for discussing the above and bringing these issues to your attention? Can you forgive me for being morose and circumspect ? Can you forgive me for saying that all that you know or think you know is dark and serious ? Can you forgive me ?
The point of this blog is to uplift you, not depress you. To share with you a path shown to me by others, who have been through challenges and circumstances far worse than I can imagine. A path that I am trying to follow to lessen my bitterness, to not dwell on anger and strengthen my hope for the future. It doesn't require you to confess if you're Catholic, atone during Yom Kippur or Ramadan by fasting if your Jewish or Muslim nor being born again if you are Christian. It has nothing to do with asking forgiveness from the higher power you believe in. It is easy to ask for forgiveness from another person or your god. It takes no courage to ask for something that another has power over.
I'm suggesting a more difficult path to happiness. To forgive yourself.
Can you forgive yourself ? For not being strong enough to stand up for yourself when you were young ? You should do it, that is forgive yourself. You were just a little kid and had no personal power. You were dependent on others. It was never your fault for the acts and decisions others made, even if you felt it was your fault. Try to forgive those who hurt you, don't forget, refuse to do those acts upon others and get on with your life from this day forward. Above all - forgive yourself.
Can you forgive yourself for believing in the government, the corporations you work for and financial institutions that have affected your life and lifestyle through selfish decisions on their part ? You should do it, that is forgive yourself. You were taught to believe that if you went to school, learned a profession or trade, worked hard, saved money, bought a house, saved for retirement and were a good citizen - then the governments you entrusted, the corporations you worked for and the financial institutions you trusted to protect you - would all do the right things. You would retire on your hard earn savings and enjoy the last days of your life. It was told to you in school, during elections, on TV, in books and magazine articles. Try to forgive them, don't forget, refuse to allow those persons or organizations to perform those acts upon you again, protect your freedom, protect your finances and get on with your life from this day forward. Above all - forgive yourself.
Can you forgive yourself ? Knowing all that you have done, all that you have thought about, all that you crave and lust for. Please, forgive yourself.
Can you forgive yourself ? For standing by when others were bullied and taken advantage of. When you didn't stop another for acts of selfishness or power that affected those you love or care for. Please, forgive yourself.
Can you forgive yourself ? Because, in the past you haven't done the right things ? Please start to do the right things. Above all - forgive yourself.
Philosopher's Stone Oil and Gas Foundation is an endeavor to do the right thing. To somehow help others that need a flexible work environment. Older workers that have disabilities, that still need employment due to situations that were beyond their control and want to believe in something greater than themselves. Younger workers that are looking for guidance and an opportunity to work for a purpose greater than themselves. We will help persons and families that need a hand up and not just a hand out. We will offer a different business model to the oil and gas industry, that benefits both existing corporations and the communities they work in.
The time that you have right now, is all that you can count on. There is no future, there is no past. There is only now. NOW - FORGIVE YOURSELF !!!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Just Keep The Change
When I was a young kid, my parents would sometimes send me to the grocery store to pick up a loaf of bread or container of milk. They would leave two dollars on the kitchen table on their way to work. After school I would find a note requesting the desired goods and go shopping. After shopping I would have some change from the two dollars (remember - that was the 60's). Often my parents would say "just keep the change." I could do whatever I wanted to do with the change. It was usually some instant gratification usage like bubble gum or candy.
When I was in high school, I would unload semi trucks at night for the company my father worked for. This opportunity would occur 3 or 4 times per month. I would get paid about $ 100 per truck. If it took me longer than 3 hours per truck to unload the 75 - 100 lb. sacks of turnips or potatoes, I wouldn't be able to do two trucks in a night. So I would bust my ass and usually have the two trucks to unload myself. The first time I was able to do two trucks in the one night (remember - I had school the next day) I offered back 50% of money for the second truck. It wasn't quite full and I didn't want the driver to think I was taking advantage. The old guy (probably was younger than I am now) said, "just keep the change." I could do whatever I wanted to do with the change. It was usually some instant gratification usage like weed, gas for the parents car when I borrowed it or draft beer at 20 cents per ALCB glass.
After high school I worked the drilling rigs for a year. Some of my friends worked in bars or restaurants, they got tips and were told to "keep the change." I don't know what they used the tips for, but based on the fact they were getting minimum wage - they probably used the change to live on. It was tax free at the time and it gave them a livable wage. I didn't know if I would ever get to "keep the change" ever again when I started to work in the oil and gas industry. As I moved up to land man for various brokers and oil and gas corporations - bonuses took the place of "keeping the change." I could do whatever I wanted with the bonuses. I used the bonuses for instant gratification like bigger homes, a better life for my family, cooler cars, faster motorcycles and travelling.
A little over a year ago I decided that I would start a charitable foundation. I wanted this foundation to be sustainable and not dependent on cash donations from the community. I had a vision of a charitable organization that produced oil and gas and that would get to "keep the change" of the industry properties. Minor operating and non-operating interests, oil or gas fields on their decline. Properties that would not justify the high fixed operating costs that most private and public corporations must spend due to Sarbanes-Oxley regulations or financing guidelines.
That vision is now becoming a reality. Last week, the Federal government granted Letters Patent for Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas Foundation. Some of the work will be done by older workers that are disabled by arthritis. Working at less compensation or no compensation than their knowledge and time would garner in the oil patch. Philosopher's Stone will be able to grant flexibility in the work environment to allow for disabilities. Some of the work will be outsourced with the understanding that equal opportunity employers will be the only corporations utilized. In past posts I have articulated a more detailed version of Philosopher's Stone.
I am currently recovering from my surgery and am still getting questioned about the changes in my plans for the future, my goals and my willingness to expose my deepest thoughts to the "blogosphere". Many people think I have "too much time on my hands", that I'm losing my edge or desire for worldly rewards. I haven't changed how I feel about them or my family. I haven't changed how I feel about working hard and accomplishment. I still like living in a nice home and twisting the throttle of a hot "crotch rocket". I'm still excited when I watch the Arizona Cardinals play football (well - most of the time). It's just that now I see things differently.
The journey to acquire material wants has changed me, but no longer defines me. The strength to persevere has changed me, but no longer defines me. Position and status have changed me, but no longer define me. I am defined by those I have touched in this world. My family, my friends, my colleagues and acquaintances. I am defined by the passion to recover my health. Lost weight, beating arthritis and improved cardiovascular condition. I will be defined by the integrity I live my life from this point forward. So people are right, I have changed.
I will gratefully listen to my parents and I will "JUST KEEP THE CHANGE".
When I was in high school, I would unload semi trucks at night for the company my father worked for. This opportunity would occur 3 or 4 times per month. I would get paid about $ 100 per truck. If it took me longer than 3 hours per truck to unload the 75 - 100 lb. sacks of turnips or potatoes, I wouldn't be able to do two trucks in a night. So I would bust my ass and usually have the two trucks to unload myself. The first time I was able to do two trucks in the one night (remember - I had school the next day) I offered back 50% of money for the second truck. It wasn't quite full and I didn't want the driver to think I was taking advantage. The old guy (probably was younger than I am now) said, "just keep the change." I could do whatever I wanted to do with the change. It was usually some instant gratification usage like weed, gas for the parents car when I borrowed it or draft beer at 20 cents per ALCB glass.
After high school I worked the drilling rigs for a year. Some of my friends worked in bars or restaurants, they got tips and were told to "keep the change." I don't know what they used the tips for, but based on the fact they were getting minimum wage - they probably used the change to live on. It was tax free at the time and it gave them a livable wage. I didn't know if I would ever get to "keep the change" ever again when I started to work in the oil and gas industry. As I moved up to land man for various brokers and oil and gas corporations - bonuses took the place of "keeping the change." I could do whatever I wanted with the bonuses. I used the bonuses for instant gratification like bigger homes, a better life for my family, cooler cars, faster motorcycles and travelling.
A little over a year ago I decided that I would start a charitable foundation. I wanted this foundation to be sustainable and not dependent on cash donations from the community. I had a vision of a charitable organization that produced oil and gas and that would get to "keep the change" of the industry properties. Minor operating and non-operating interests, oil or gas fields on their decline. Properties that would not justify the high fixed operating costs that most private and public corporations must spend due to Sarbanes-Oxley regulations or financing guidelines.
That vision is now becoming a reality. Last week, the Federal government granted Letters Patent for Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas Foundation. Some of the work will be done by older workers that are disabled by arthritis. Working at less compensation or no compensation than their knowledge and time would garner in the oil patch. Philosopher's Stone will be able to grant flexibility in the work environment to allow for disabilities. Some of the work will be outsourced with the understanding that equal opportunity employers will be the only corporations utilized. In past posts I have articulated a more detailed version of Philosopher's Stone.
I am currently recovering from my surgery and am still getting questioned about the changes in my plans for the future, my goals and my willingness to expose my deepest thoughts to the "blogosphere". Many people think I have "too much time on my hands", that I'm losing my edge or desire for worldly rewards. I haven't changed how I feel about them or my family. I haven't changed how I feel about working hard and accomplishment. I still like living in a nice home and twisting the throttle of a hot "crotch rocket". I'm still excited when I watch the Arizona Cardinals play football (well - most of the time). It's just that now I see things differently.
The journey to acquire material wants has changed me, but no longer defines me. The strength to persevere has changed me, but no longer defines me. Position and status have changed me, but no longer define me. I am defined by those I have touched in this world. My family, my friends, my colleagues and acquaintances. I am defined by the passion to recover my health. Lost weight, beating arthritis and improved cardiovascular condition. I will be defined by the integrity I live my life from this point forward. So people are right, I have changed.
I will gratefully listen to my parents and I will "JUST KEEP THE CHANGE".
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Controlling Your Environment
I am 55 years old and I am finding that the things in my life that I can control are limited and getting more restricted as the years go on. I used to control everything with respect to my body, finances, where I lived my life and what I did for work. I had some control with my children and some control in my relationship with my wife. However, this past year has exposed my control issues and how past patterns no longer work for me.
In two weeks I am going to have surgery to replace my right shoulder. My third surgery in a period of 12 months. This is not the first joint replacement performed on my body. Both hips have been replaced in the past. As you can see, I have little control over the joints and other bones and nerves in my body which can be attributed to osteoarthritis. I did have control over letting my weight go over the recommended BMI and I have in the past played sports with violent intent. Now I have limited control over the arthritis that has infected my body and it pisses me off. If I were a victim, I would say woe is me and give up. I would let pain and limited range of motion control my life going forward. But I won't let this disease totally control me. I have lost 55 pounds of fat from my body, I work out as best I can with walking and kettle bells three times per week and I watch my food intake in order to continue losing more fat. I'm not Brad Pitt, but I don't look too bad for 55 - and getting better every day. If I would have waited for surgery in Canada it would have taken almost three years to have this next surgery done. So I am paying for this operation myself down in Arizona (the cost of a mid range vehicle) and getting one step closer to having physical control of my body.
I used to have total control over my finances, however the politicians, bankers and hedge fund gangsters have more control over my finances now, than I do. Increasing taxes, bad mortgage loans and financial instruments of mass destruction utilized by hedge funds and banks globally, have created worldwide uncertainty as to the value of fiat money, the stock market and the crashing of real estate values. If I were a victim, I would say woe is me and give up. But I won't let this situation control my life going forward. So we have eliminated all debt, reduced our cost of living as if we were retired and we are embarking on new chapters in our working lives to maintain a comfortable and fulfilling life . We have decided that we will give back to those in need (Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas Foundation is getting closer to reality), though we will still have to work for a living. If I was to be fired tomorrow, I would still control how I live my life. Not quite "eff off and die money" - but, enough.
My children are grown up now. I'm so proud of who they've become. They are better than I was at their age and I might admit (if I didn't have all these control issues) that they are better human beings than I am now. So proud.
My wife has not only become my lover, co-parent and friend; she has grown into a confident and powerful woman. More comfortable in her own skin than in the past. Petty control issues no longer get in the way of our communication. A true life partner. One not to be controlled and manipulated, but respected and counselled with. So lucky.
So let's get back to my control issues. I figure I've been doing my best with my health and finances. Reasonably successful to date and on the right path. But, I still needed total control of something in my life. I thought and pondered. I researched and deliberated and have "pulled the trigger" on my quest for total control. I consulted with no one, I made this decision on my own. I based this decision on my experience, knowledge, anecdotal and empirical evidence and I have found a way to exercise total control in a world gone mad.
TOTO "Drake" C744EF.10 with an ST743S tank.
That is my expression of total control at the age of 55. I have researched, procured, directed the installation and utilized the best toilet I have ever personally had control over acquiring. That is what control has come to mean in my life.
I can't control if my wife loves me or not. I can't control if my children are happy or not. I can't control if the company I work for fires me or not. I can't control if my body will continue to degrade due to osteoarthritis or not.
I can control how I live my life, what meaning I give to each event in my life and I damn well will control the throne I sit on.
This will be my last post for awhile. Typing with my left hand will be frustrating. However, I hate being controlled so I just might send out my blog ramblings after my surgery on September 12th. Thank you all for reading and commenting on my thoughts.
In two weeks I am going to have surgery to replace my right shoulder. My third surgery in a period of 12 months. This is not the first joint replacement performed on my body. Both hips have been replaced in the past. As you can see, I have little control over the joints and other bones and nerves in my body which can be attributed to osteoarthritis. I did have control over letting my weight go over the recommended BMI and I have in the past played sports with violent intent. Now I have limited control over the arthritis that has infected my body and it pisses me off. If I were a victim, I would say woe is me and give up. I would let pain and limited range of motion control my life going forward. But I won't let this disease totally control me. I have lost 55 pounds of fat from my body, I work out as best I can with walking and kettle bells three times per week and I watch my food intake in order to continue losing more fat. I'm not Brad Pitt, but I don't look too bad for 55 - and getting better every day. If I would have waited for surgery in Canada it would have taken almost three years to have this next surgery done. So I am paying for this operation myself down in Arizona (the cost of a mid range vehicle) and getting one step closer to having physical control of my body.
I used to have total control over my finances, however the politicians, bankers and hedge fund gangsters have more control over my finances now, than I do. Increasing taxes, bad mortgage loans and financial instruments of mass destruction utilized by hedge funds and banks globally, have created worldwide uncertainty as to the value of fiat money, the stock market and the crashing of real estate values. If I were a victim, I would say woe is me and give up. But I won't let this situation control my life going forward. So we have eliminated all debt, reduced our cost of living as if we were retired and we are embarking on new chapters in our working lives to maintain a comfortable and fulfilling life . We have decided that we will give back to those in need (Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas Foundation is getting closer to reality), though we will still have to work for a living. If I was to be fired tomorrow, I would still control how I live my life. Not quite "eff off and die money" - but, enough.
My children are grown up now. I'm so proud of who they've become. They are better than I was at their age and I might admit (if I didn't have all these control issues) that they are better human beings than I am now. So proud.
My wife has not only become my lover, co-parent and friend; she has grown into a confident and powerful woman. More comfortable in her own skin than in the past. Petty control issues no longer get in the way of our communication. A true life partner. One not to be controlled and manipulated, but respected and counselled with. So lucky.
So let's get back to my control issues. I figure I've been doing my best with my health and finances. Reasonably successful to date and on the right path. But, I still needed total control of something in my life. I thought and pondered. I researched and deliberated and have "pulled the trigger" on my quest for total control. I consulted with no one, I made this decision on my own. I based this decision on my experience, knowledge, anecdotal and empirical evidence and I have found a way to exercise total control in a world gone mad.
TOTO "Drake" C744EF.10 with an ST743S tank.
That is my expression of total control at the age of 55. I have researched, procured, directed the installation and utilized the best toilet I have ever personally had control over acquiring. That is what control has come to mean in my life.
I can't control if my wife loves me or not. I can't control if my children are happy or not. I can't control if the company I work for fires me or not. I can't control if my body will continue to degrade due to osteoarthritis or not.
I can control how I live my life, what meaning I give to each event in my life and I damn well will control the throne I sit on.
This will be my last post for awhile. Typing with my left hand will be frustrating. However, I hate being controlled so I just might send out my blog ramblings after my surgery on September 12th. Thank you all for reading and commenting on my thoughts.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Depression 2012
The Euro zone's financial system is collapsing, USA is printing more fiat dollars in QE3, prices of commodities are deflating, assets are devaluing, gold as a "safe haven" is skyrocketing, countries in the Middle East are collapsing, taxes are going up, more aggressive tax collection methods are being utilized worldwide, wars and rumors of wars abound, politicians globally are being exposed for lies and scandal, earthquakes, hurricanes and other "acts of G-d" are daily news events, global equity market volatility, doubt of the stability and funding of public and private pensions worldwide, yadda, yadda, yadda.
In 2008 depression was estimated to effect 121 million people worldwide and the anti-depressant drug market reached sales of around $ 11 billion. Common side effects are anxiety, nausea, sexual dysfunction and weight gain.
Bailouts, buyouts, secret loans to "too big to fail" banks and financiers worldwide, miscalculations and errors in economic policy by politicians and other global leaders, formerly North American based corporations moving head offices and jobs offshore to reduce or eliminate taxes, Venezuela demanding a return of their physical gold, uncertainty of the last audit of worldwide central bank gold stores, drug resistant diseases and environmental disasters are escalating and illegal drug cartels are winning.
This guy's business was in major financial trouble. His net worth was sunk into a failing business - he owed family, friends and banks. He was depressed and swallowing prescription drugs to improve his mental state. Anxiety, nausea, sexual dysfunction and weight gain were his companions. He was contemplating taking his own life.
As a last resort he went to his religious advisor (PC speak for priest, minister, rabbi, etc.) and spoke of his predicament. When he was done, his religious advisor suggested the following.
"Go to a lake with a chair and your bible and sit by the lakeside. Open the bible and let the wind turn the pages until it stops flipping. Look at the page and your answer will be revealed."
One year later, the businessman, wife and children meet with the religious advisor. The businessman and his family are dressed in designer clothes, expensive jewelry and driving a Rolls Royce. The businessman hands an envelope stuffed with one hundred dollar bills to the advisor and thanks him for helping in a time of need.
"So you went to the lake with your bible ?" The businessman nodded his head, yes. "And you let the wind decide on the page? " The businessman nodded his head, yes. "And what was the revelation that came to you?" The businessman smiled and said, "Chapter 11."
It seems the more people take prescription drugs, alcohol, illegal drugs and other self medicating and life distracting actions - the more anxiety and dysfunction is evidenced in their lives and the global financial system.
So what am I going to do ?
So what will be your reaction to Depression 2012 ?
Me and my wife, we'll just play it by ear as always.
(My theory is that the number of persons with depression worldwide, will rise in correlation to the percentage increase in the price of gold. Note to those who have no sense of humour, start taking large doses of Effexor, Cymbalta, Lexapro, Paxil, Wellbutrin, Zoloft and Remeron. Consider investing in pharmaceuticals. It's not going to get any easier over the next few years either financially or politically ; )
In 2008 depression was estimated to effect 121 million people worldwide and the anti-depressant drug market reached sales of around $ 11 billion. Common side effects are anxiety, nausea, sexual dysfunction and weight gain.
Bailouts, buyouts, secret loans to "too big to fail" banks and financiers worldwide, miscalculations and errors in economic policy by politicians and other global leaders, formerly North American based corporations moving head offices and jobs offshore to reduce or eliminate taxes, Venezuela demanding a return of their physical gold, uncertainty of the last audit of worldwide central bank gold stores, drug resistant diseases and environmental disasters are escalating and illegal drug cartels are winning.
This guy's business was in major financial trouble. His net worth was sunk into a failing business - he owed family, friends and banks. He was depressed and swallowing prescription drugs to improve his mental state. Anxiety, nausea, sexual dysfunction and weight gain were his companions. He was contemplating taking his own life.
As a last resort he went to his religious advisor (PC speak for priest, minister, rabbi, etc.) and spoke of his predicament. When he was done, his religious advisor suggested the following.
"Go to a lake with a chair and your bible and sit by the lakeside. Open the bible and let the wind turn the pages until it stops flipping. Look at the page and your answer will be revealed."
One year later, the businessman, wife and children meet with the religious advisor. The businessman and his family are dressed in designer clothes, expensive jewelry and driving a Rolls Royce. The businessman hands an envelope stuffed with one hundred dollar bills to the advisor and thanks him for helping in a time of need.
"So you went to the lake with your bible ?" The businessman nodded his head, yes. "And you let the wind decide on the page? " The businessman nodded his head, yes. "And what was the revelation that came to you?" The businessman smiled and said, "Chapter 11."
It seems the more people take prescription drugs, alcohol, illegal drugs and other self medicating and life distracting actions - the more anxiety and dysfunction is evidenced in their lives and the global financial system.
So what am I going to do ?
- How about I laugh a little and not take myself so seriously.
- Quit listening and watching the news and doomsayers
- Reduce and/or eliminate all debt
- Budget our finances, time and energy
- Celebrate and appreciate my family and friends
- Be grateful for all I have been blessed with
- Make Philosopher's Stone Oil and Gas Foundation a successful reality
What other options are there for Depression 2012 ?
- Buy guns and lots of ammunition
- Buy gold and silver
- Buy food for storage
- Store water and have a purifying system
- Buy guns and lots of ammunition
So what will be your reaction to Depression 2012 ?
Me and my wife, we'll just play it by ear as always.
(My theory is that the number of persons with depression worldwide, will rise in correlation to the percentage increase in the price of gold. Note to those who have no sense of humour, start taking large doses of Effexor, Cymbalta, Lexapro, Paxil, Wellbutrin, Zoloft and Remeron. Consider investing in pharmaceuticals. It's not going to get any easier over the next few years either financially or politically ; )
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Conspiracy vs. Self Interest
Wall Street is screwing us.
The Chinese are financially attacking us.
The Illuminati are controlling us.
What a load of pure, unadulterated bullshit.
Wall Street isn't screwing us. Some very greedy, controlling, evil people; in some financial firms addressed in lower Manhattan and other places around the world; are doing all they can to rig a game that they know and understand the rules of. They follow most rules, break some rules and lobby for the repeal or passing of other rules. All of this, to sucker other greedy "investors" into unrealistic returns (Maddoff), reduced taxes (Lehman Bros.) or hiding of money offshore (Switzerland, Panama, Cayman, etc.). The greedy are screwing the greedy and the average schmo is just collateral damage.
Comparing the stock and bond market to No Limit Hold 'em, the average schmo's life savings would just be "dead money". The players that understand the math of their game - pot odds, implied odds and can "read" hands will come out with the winning hands in the long run. Thus the full time "investors" with inside information or better and more current analysis will have more "winning hands" then incompetent "investors" and the "dead money". This is how it has been in the past and will continue into the future. Is this a conscious "Conspiracy" or is this just self interest layered upon self interest that somehow forms a common pattern that is interpreted as a "Conspiracy".
When humanity follows the gold, instead of the golden rule - this common pattern of a "Conspiracy" is inevitable. Self interest is based on a philosophy of scarcity. If there is only 21 metres by 21 metres of gold ever mined in the history of the world, then what percentage of that gold can be acquired for the least value and sold or hoarded at the most value. That would be an easy calculation if we left it at the 21M by 21M cube. Now add options and futures, ETF's, 24 karat or 18 karat gold jewelry, central bank precious metals policies based on nationalistic self interest, current gold production, future gold production, fear, greed.... It then becomes a much more complicated calculation as to what the true value of gold is.
And let's not forget that in the past, those with the most effective military would confiscate the gold from those with less "power". Or a government might make a new rule that no private citizen could own gold, that couldn't happen could it ? Well it was done by the US government at the time of the last Great Depression. So is it a scam to scare people into buying gold at inflated prices and then confiscate that same gold for devalued US dollars, is this a "Conspiracy" or just self interest layered upon self interest that somehow forms a common pattern that is interpreted as a "Conspiracy".
The Chinese are taking over the world's economy and will screw us all. Really ? This is a nation that has to feed, clothe and house billions of people. A nation that has various ethnic groups that are attempting to break away from the centralized Beijing government, a nation that is so desperate to maintain internal power that they must over pay for many commodities and technologies in order to feed an unrelenting appetite for economic growth and international influence.
In Canada, if 30 million people are pissed at high taxes - they have an election, nothing changes, a hockey game pre-empts a national debate by its leaders and within 6 months all is forgotten.
In the US, if 300 million people are pissed at high taxes, they have an election, nothing changes, the NFL goes on strike and captures the attention of the press and citizens. Then the media go on and on and on and on arguing politics from a conservative or liberal point of view until everyone is tired of hearing about it. The NFL starts its season and all is forgotten until the next election, next terrorist attack, next war (kinetic military action ?) or the government confiscates privately held gold.
In China, if a billion people turn on every electric appliance, light or other power source at the same time for 1 month - there will be a crisis. If 1 billion people decide to eat 30% more food for a month - there is a crisis. If a billion people all decide to stand still in the streets of Beijing for a month - there is a crisis. If a billion people decide to go on strike and not work for a month at essential services - there is a crisis.
If the US dollar dramatically goes down in value as it relates to gold:
The Chinese are financially attacking us.
The Illuminati are controlling us.
What a load of pure, unadulterated bullshit.
Wall Street isn't screwing us. Some very greedy, controlling, evil people; in some financial firms addressed in lower Manhattan and other places around the world; are doing all they can to rig a game that they know and understand the rules of. They follow most rules, break some rules and lobby for the repeal or passing of other rules. All of this, to sucker other greedy "investors" into unrealistic returns (Maddoff), reduced taxes (Lehman Bros.) or hiding of money offshore (Switzerland, Panama, Cayman, etc.). The greedy are screwing the greedy and the average schmo is just collateral damage.
Comparing the stock and bond market to No Limit Hold 'em, the average schmo's life savings would just be "dead money". The players that understand the math of their game - pot odds, implied odds and can "read" hands will come out with the winning hands in the long run. Thus the full time "investors" with inside information or better and more current analysis will have more "winning hands" then incompetent "investors" and the "dead money". This is how it has been in the past and will continue into the future. Is this a conscious "Conspiracy" or is this just self interest layered upon self interest that somehow forms a common pattern that is interpreted as a "Conspiracy".
When humanity follows the gold, instead of the golden rule - this common pattern of a "Conspiracy" is inevitable. Self interest is based on a philosophy of scarcity. If there is only 21 metres by 21 metres of gold ever mined in the history of the world, then what percentage of that gold can be acquired for the least value and sold or hoarded at the most value. That would be an easy calculation if we left it at the 21M by 21M cube. Now add options and futures, ETF's, 24 karat or 18 karat gold jewelry, central bank precious metals policies based on nationalistic self interest, current gold production, future gold production, fear, greed.... It then becomes a much more complicated calculation as to what the true value of gold is.
And let's not forget that in the past, those with the most effective military would confiscate the gold from those with less "power". Or a government might make a new rule that no private citizen could own gold, that couldn't happen could it ? Well it was done by the US government at the time of the last Great Depression. So is it a scam to scare people into buying gold at inflated prices and then confiscate that same gold for devalued US dollars, is this a "Conspiracy" or just self interest layered upon self interest that somehow forms a common pattern that is interpreted as a "Conspiracy".
The Chinese are taking over the world's economy and will screw us all. Really ? This is a nation that has to feed, clothe and house billions of people. A nation that has various ethnic groups that are attempting to break away from the centralized Beijing government, a nation that is so desperate to maintain internal power that they must over pay for many commodities and technologies in order to feed an unrelenting appetite for economic growth and international influence.
In Canada, if 30 million people are pissed at high taxes - they have an election, nothing changes, a hockey game pre-empts a national debate by its leaders and within 6 months all is forgotten.
In the US, if 300 million people are pissed at high taxes, they have an election, nothing changes, the NFL goes on strike and captures the attention of the press and citizens. Then the media go on and on and on and on arguing politics from a conservative or liberal point of view until everyone is tired of hearing about it. The NFL starts its season and all is forgotten until the next election, next terrorist attack, next war (kinetic military action ?) or the government confiscates privately held gold.
In China, if a billion people turn on every electric appliance, light or other power source at the same time for 1 month - there will be a crisis. If 1 billion people decide to eat 30% more food for a month - there is a crisis. If a billion people all decide to stand still in the streets of Beijing for a month - there is a crisis. If a billion people decide to go on strike and not work for a month at essential services - there is a crisis.
If the US dollar dramatically goes down in value as it relates to gold:
- US interest rates should go up (but the Fed says they won't until 2013), USA citizen's debt would be affected by that action (but, it won't because debt will be repaid with devalued dollars due to inflation) - but US exports will be energized and compete or beat the EEU and the Asian Tigers
- Canadians will buy more US real estate and cars as a result of a stronger Loonie, will get the extra cable bundle with super fast Internet and unlimited texting and will complain about paying taxes - any taxes.
- China will have a crisis (the Yuan is unofficially fixed to the US dollar to give them an export advantage, $ 1.6 Trillion in US debt bought by the Chinese with those export dollars that were acquired by unfair trade practices and monetary policies - will be repaid by the US in an equally underhanded way - with devalued US currency).
- In the end - the "average schmo" is "dead money" and collateral damage.
Now is this a "Conspiracy" orchestrated by the US government, the Multinational Banking Conglomerates, the Illuminati or any number of groups, religions or races that have been blamed over the centuries past ?
Come on - quit believing in the bogey man. Let's all admit that we are driven by self interest and quit blaming the "Conspiracy". We layer self interest, upon self interest, upon self interest. Justifying our self interest by blaming the conspirators, the powerful, those smarter or more devious. Let's stop that nonsense.
Let's prosecute and hold accountable the people that break the laws, let's hold our politicians accountable by participating in relevant debates and let's teach our children the Golden Rule.
More importantly; quit panicking, stay out of debt, put away for a rainy day, get and stay healthy and love your family.
In the end, most of us are just "dead money".
(Read the previous blog for advice on how to do the right thing)
Come on - quit believing in the bogey man. Let's all admit that we are driven by self interest and quit blaming the "Conspiracy". We layer self interest, upon self interest, upon self interest. Justifying our self interest by blaming the conspirators, the powerful, those smarter or more devious. Let's stop that nonsense.
Let's prosecute and hold accountable the people that break the laws, let's hold our politicians accountable by participating in relevant debates and let's teach our children the Golden Rule.
More importantly; quit panicking, stay out of debt, put away for a rainy day, get and stay healthy and love your family.
In the end, most of us are just "dead money".
(Read the previous blog for advice on how to do the right thing)
Thursday, July 28, 2011
You Will Never Go Wrong Doing The Right Thing; But, You Can Get Fired
In the last post I recounted my experience in Kazakstan. The part I left out, was getting fired for my actions. Some may question if I "did the right thing." I took money out of an account that was set up for a corporation, it was not my personal account. However, all the money that was removed from the account to pay the employees was less than the money owed to me personally by the corporation. I rationalized my actions with the facts presented and that the money was utilized for the employees of the corporation. But, was that "doing the right thing?"
Daily we are faced with ethical decisions that we justify or rationalize within the framework of our morals. Do we return extra change to the retail clerk if we mistakenly receive too much ? Do we speed on the highway when the posted limit is 100 km/hour ? Do we call in sick, when we can work at less than our best ? Do we tell "little lies" so as not to hurt our families, co-workers and those in our communities ? We all justify or rationalize our actions based on the situations we find ourselves in.
When I turn on the news, all I currently hear is the debate on the US Debt Ceiling issue. With the world's economies dependent on the actions of the US Congress and the President of the United States, each party is justifying and rationalizing their positions in this matter. It has me questioning whether this issue is a serious as everyone is making it out to be. If this was as serious as an earthquake - then people would do the right thing - right ?
The last earthquake in Japan showed that the majority of people in a crisis situation do the right thing. The Japanese people showed courage, patience and compassion throughout this crisis. However, the company that owned the nuclear power plant, the current Japanese government in power and their political opponents tried to assign blame, hide facts and put the situation into an easily excused event. So what are we to make of human actions when their ethics and morals are in question. I suggest that most people in most situations will "do the right thing" most of the time. Based on my experience, I suggest that most people, that have power given to them by election or promotion have a distorted view of "the right thing." Why is that ?
Could it be that they do not believe that they deserve to have the position that has been given to them. Is it possible that they have to justify or rationalize their actions because they feel they have no reason for being in the position they find themselves in ? They are put in a position that each action they take might effect the position they are trying so hard to retain.
In the most plain and simple words - TO DO THE RIGHT THING, YOU MUST BE WILLING TO GIVE UP THAT WHICH YOU HAVE. That doesn't mean that you will lose everything if you do the right thing. However, it does require that you make a conscious decision to risk that which you have - "to do the right thing."
Let's get back to the US Debt Ceiling issue. I do not have a clue as to the correct answer to the problem. I trust that all the "really smart people" have reviewed this issue from every possible angle, reviewed each effect of the actions taken, assigned probability to the results of each action and have a range of results that will assist them in deciding on the best decision for the economy, the country and the world community. What I don't trust are the ethics and morals of the persons that will vote on the US Debt Ceiling plans. Until enough of the people that have the responsibility to vote on "doing the right thing" are willing to risk their positions in government, then the right thing will not be done.
The sad thing is, that if President Obama would outline all options, estimated results and his suggestion for a proper resolution to the US debt issues which includes not only this debt ceiling issue - but, also a recommendation for getting the debt repaid and a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution - he would be vilified by his own party, the Republicans, the media and anybody else that would have an opinion - educated or not.
However, what if Obama went to the American people and said that he was suggesting that based on his evaluation the solution was "X", whatever that recommendation is, and he was willing to not run in the next election if the recommendation proved to be wrong. But, if the recommendation proved to be "the right thing to do" then the American people would elect him to a second term. That is, he would be willing to risk his job, in order to do his job. I suggest that the American people would have more confidence in him and support him in his decision and subsequently in the next presidential election. What the average man and women wants from a leader is courage, patience and compassion. No person is expected to have all the right answers, but a person charged with the authority to make decisions is expected to take full responsibility for those decisions.
What do you do if you do not trust those persons in a position of authority "to do the right thing?" Below are a few suggestions
These are not just words to me - I am willing to do the right thing.
Daily we are faced with ethical decisions that we justify or rationalize within the framework of our morals. Do we return extra change to the retail clerk if we mistakenly receive too much ? Do we speed on the highway when the posted limit is 100 km/hour ? Do we call in sick, when we can work at less than our best ? Do we tell "little lies" so as not to hurt our families, co-workers and those in our communities ? We all justify or rationalize our actions based on the situations we find ourselves in.
When I turn on the news, all I currently hear is the debate on the US Debt Ceiling issue. With the world's economies dependent on the actions of the US Congress and the President of the United States, each party is justifying and rationalizing their positions in this matter. It has me questioning whether this issue is a serious as everyone is making it out to be. If this was as serious as an earthquake - then people would do the right thing - right ?
The last earthquake in Japan showed that the majority of people in a crisis situation do the right thing. The Japanese people showed courage, patience and compassion throughout this crisis. However, the company that owned the nuclear power plant, the current Japanese government in power and their political opponents tried to assign blame, hide facts and put the situation into an easily excused event. So what are we to make of human actions when their ethics and morals are in question. I suggest that most people in most situations will "do the right thing" most of the time. Based on my experience, I suggest that most people, that have power given to them by election or promotion have a distorted view of "the right thing." Why is that ?
Could it be that they do not believe that they deserve to have the position that has been given to them. Is it possible that they have to justify or rationalize their actions because they feel they have no reason for being in the position they find themselves in ? They are put in a position that each action they take might effect the position they are trying so hard to retain.
In the most plain and simple words - TO DO THE RIGHT THING, YOU MUST BE WILLING TO GIVE UP THAT WHICH YOU HAVE. That doesn't mean that you will lose everything if you do the right thing. However, it does require that you make a conscious decision to risk that which you have - "to do the right thing."
Let's get back to the US Debt Ceiling issue. I do not have a clue as to the correct answer to the problem. I trust that all the "really smart people" have reviewed this issue from every possible angle, reviewed each effect of the actions taken, assigned probability to the results of each action and have a range of results that will assist them in deciding on the best decision for the economy, the country and the world community. What I don't trust are the ethics and morals of the persons that will vote on the US Debt Ceiling plans. Until enough of the people that have the responsibility to vote on "doing the right thing" are willing to risk their positions in government, then the right thing will not be done.
The sad thing is, that if President Obama would outline all options, estimated results and his suggestion for a proper resolution to the US debt issues which includes not only this debt ceiling issue - but, also a recommendation for getting the debt repaid and a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution - he would be vilified by his own party, the Republicans, the media and anybody else that would have an opinion - educated or not.
However, what if Obama went to the American people and said that he was suggesting that based on his evaluation the solution was "X", whatever that recommendation is, and he was willing to not run in the next election if the recommendation proved to be wrong. But, if the recommendation proved to be "the right thing to do" then the American people would elect him to a second term. That is, he would be willing to risk his job, in order to do his job. I suggest that the American people would have more confidence in him and support him in his decision and subsequently in the next presidential election. What the average man and women wants from a leader is courage, patience and compassion. No person is expected to have all the right answers, but a person charged with the authority to make decisions is expected to take full responsibility for those decisions.
What do you do if you do not trust those persons in a position of authority "to do the right thing?" Below are a few suggestions
- Get and stay healthy through exercise, quiet thought and the love of your family
- Eliminate or limit any debt that you personally have
- Stick to a reasonable budget
- Live your life based on your values, ethics and moral compass and be willing to risk it all to live life on your terms
- Have financial protection in place to protect your family
- Work at something or somewhere that you are proud to be part of
These are not just words to me - I am willing to do the right thing.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Hitler's Speech Writer
Werner was a talented young man. Not so much book smart, definitely street smart. His talent was understanding people. Their fears, desires and prejudices. This talent was displayed on the streets in small towns and villages surrounding Vienna in the late 1920's and early 1930's, as Werner bought and sold goods as his means to earn a living. Werner's family was Jewish, however they were not observant. At the time, many Jews thought of themselves as Austrian and not as a separate people. In fact, those Jews that were obvious and didn't pass were looked down upon by many of their own culture.
Around this time, an angry man was stirring up dissatisfaction in Austria. He and his men in brown shirts would go from town to town to spread their hatred and anger to those persons susceptible to such words. A proud people that were being marginalized by war reparations imposed upon them by the victors of WWI. Their hatred was vile, however it struck a chord with common folk that saw their once profitable businesses and farms being destroyed by hyperinflation and lack of financial support by the banking community.
Werner happened to witness one of the speeches and was amazed at the unprofessional and unpolished orator of the hate. He turned to a man next to him, in a brown shirt, and started to critique the style and tempo of the oration. He commented on the disjointed thoughts and lack of coherence of the speech. The man in the brown shirt listened, observed the crowd slowly dispersing during the speech and asked Werner if he would meet with the orator after he was done. Although Werner was slightly taken aback by some of the rhetoric, he agreed to meet with the angry little man giving the speech.
Over some schnapps and beer, Werner repeated his comments regarding the previously given speech. He suggested some improvements that might benefit this little man and assist him in his quest to manipulate his audience to his viewpoints. It was then agreed, that Werner would become the speech writer for this angry little man. Werner would be compensated for his time and would receive bonuses according to the increase in the crowds and favourable response.
In 1993 I was fortunate to embark upon an adventure that would shape my view of business and how North American and foreign cultures transacted negotiations. I went to Kazakstan to negotiate oil and gas contracts with the recently formed CIS Kazak government, on behalf of a small, but well funded corporation. Although I had never worked overseas, my talent for negotiating was recognized by the president of this corporation. I'm sure he thought this would be a one time trip and I would then be relegated back to negotiating oil and gas agreements in Western Canada, but his high priced consultants had been unsuccessful for 3 months already and he was willing to try something different. My family background was Russian and many of the persons in power were ethnic Russians, a hold over from the Soviet regime. From the moment I was there, I just knew what to say, when to say it and who to say it to. Call it instinct, call it arrogance, call it "talent", call it dumb luck - whatever "it" was I had "it". After 6 months of long drawn out negotiations that took place in Almaty, Atyrau, Uralsk and Aktau in Kazakstan; Istanbul, Brussels and London in Europe - the company I worked for was ready to pull the plug on negotiations for a deal with the Kazaks. It was just after January 1, 1994 that I sat down with the president and gave the most outrageous promise of my life. I asked him to give me one more chance to get a deal. This time we would do it my way only. I didn't want anyone to come with me. I would only return to Kazakstan with my translator. We wouldn't show up with the 20 people normally acting on behalf of the corporation. No lawyers, no accountants, no economists or engineers. Only two "goofs" with a time limit and credibility with the Kazaks from many nights of vodka and cigarettes. The president agreed, only because I was so outrageous in "promising" him that we would get the deal. I believe to this day that my strategy was correct. By showing the Kazaks that our company was ready to walk if a deal was not forthcoming on this "last" trip, they had gotten the message that there were no other concessions to be conceded by our company. Within one day of returning to Almaty, we had a deal. The call back to the head office was awkward. The president didn't believe me when I told him our good news. After sending copies of the final agreement to our head office to be reviewed by the "smart" guys, we had the go ahead to sign final documentation. This official signing was an elaborate affair held in the Prime Ministers main conference room. To say I was way over my head is an understatement. I was signing a formal document next to the second most powerful man in the Kazak government. I looked down at my hand as I signed the agreement and was curious as to why my hand was not shaking. My hand shook most times, but not then, not that time.
Werner worked with the angry little man on the content of his speech, the context of his main points and the tempo of his speech. He taught the angry little man to start slowly at first, almost shy and awkward. This would get the crowd to quiet down and almost root for this angry little man to get through his speech without making too many errors. Then the tempo would slowly build and the man's voice would become louder. People positioned in the crowd would start yelling in response to points being made. The people around these shills would also start to respond, creating a frenzy. The little man would then get totally out of control yelling and spitting his vile rhetoric. Banging his hand on tables, gesturing wildly with his arms. He would blame this group and that group for all of the crowd's ills. It was "their" fault and "their" manipulations and "their" secretive ways. Jews, Catholics, gypsies, gays - they were the cause of this decline in the people in the crowd. He was working them into a frenzy, as Werner had told him it would. And then Werner gave him the cue. The angry little man just stopped. He stood looking out at the crowd, arrogant and looking into the women's eyes. The crowd continued their frenzy as he watched and nodded his head, strutted around the stage and basked in the response he created with the help of Werner.
Werner made much wealth as the angry little man progressed in politics. Werner lived in a most comfortable fashion. But then, things started to change. He was asked to start wearing a yellow star. No disrespect, just a new "rule". He was still being financially rewarded by the angry little man, a man who's "power" far exceeded his stature. Soon he was asked to leave his home for the ghetto. No disrespect, just a new "rule". He was able to buy "stuff" on the black market with his savings, but the compensation was no longer coming from the angry little man. The next day he was rounded up with others in his community and sent by train to a "work camp".
By 1995 I was the Vice President of the company and the Director General of the Joint Venture Corporation in Kazakstan. My responsibilities were mostly political consultations, administration and expat functions. My title had now become who I was. I was no longer that landman negotiating surface access from a farmer, no longer taking mineral leases from 6 am to 12 midnight, no longer negotiating with other companies for joint venture agreements. Now I was talking with ambassadors, meeting with the IMF and World Bank. Traveling first class. Oh yeah, life was "smokin". That is with the exception that I never saw my children from my first marriage. Was losing my second wife through my indiscretions and lack of time spent on our marriage. Basically my personal life was shit, but I was really, really, really important - in my own mind.
And then things started to change. There were new "rules". My authority was being limited, my representation of the corporation was being controlled and restricted. Then one day they stopped paying the Kazak nationals that we had employed. It was around Christmas 1995 and I was informed that all pay to our employees was to stop from this point forward. I was arrogant, self absorbed and egotistical - but I knew what was right and what was wrong. So I went to the ABM-Amro bank where we had our emergency funds for the corporation and withdrew the monies that were in there. My wife and I flew to our office in Uralsk (after paying the employees in Almaty) and made sure that all employees received their pay and bonuses that were owed them. By the time we were in Uralsk my company credit cards had been cancelled and all we had were two plane tickets to Moscow and a few thousand dollars. No translator, no help and in we were in effing Moscow. No easy way back to our home. To say I was a little angry would be an understatement. But, Brenda and I are resourceful and when our backs are against the wall we rise to the challenge. We may have been pissed at each other for our behaviour the past year leading up to this moment. But, we were even more pissed at the persons that tried to "teach us a lesson". They tried to control the wrong people. Armed with a russian/english dictionary, our own credit card with limited credit, a few thousand cash and a united front. We got through customs, took a taxi from the domestic airport to the international airport to arrange our flight back to Canada, found a hotel, had a shower, slept, went to McDonald's, traveled the subway system, went to a large bazaar (flea market) and finally flew back home by Christmas. This may sound easy - but consider that I spoke russian like a three year old when I left Kazakstan, greatly improved my russian under extreme pressure to deal with customs (we had no visa for our stay in Russia, which was usually handled by someone else - someone who actually spoke Russian) and Brenda was in extreme culture shock. That is, until we got to the flea market - where I found out that shopping is the universal language that Brenda was a master at and I had no talent for. We made it home together and committed to rebuild our life together.
Werner kept telling the authorities that he was Hitler's speech writer, they laughed at this man with a yellow star on his clothes. Werner could not believe that after all he done, for his help and guidance, that he was being shipped like all the others to an uncertain future.
Werner survived the Holocost with his street smarts and a renewed faith in his God. He spoke only to his family of his experience and left them with many lessons from what life had taught him.
His greatest lesson for his children was to always use your talents for something you believe in, something that had values attached to its value and always know that what has been given can be taken away.
Today's Blog is dedicated to values and gratitude.
Around this time, an angry man was stirring up dissatisfaction in Austria. He and his men in brown shirts would go from town to town to spread their hatred and anger to those persons susceptible to such words. A proud people that were being marginalized by war reparations imposed upon them by the victors of WWI. Their hatred was vile, however it struck a chord with common folk that saw their once profitable businesses and farms being destroyed by hyperinflation and lack of financial support by the banking community.
Werner happened to witness one of the speeches and was amazed at the unprofessional and unpolished orator of the hate. He turned to a man next to him, in a brown shirt, and started to critique the style and tempo of the oration. He commented on the disjointed thoughts and lack of coherence of the speech. The man in the brown shirt listened, observed the crowd slowly dispersing during the speech and asked Werner if he would meet with the orator after he was done. Although Werner was slightly taken aback by some of the rhetoric, he agreed to meet with the angry little man giving the speech.
Over some schnapps and beer, Werner repeated his comments regarding the previously given speech. He suggested some improvements that might benefit this little man and assist him in his quest to manipulate his audience to his viewpoints. It was then agreed, that Werner would become the speech writer for this angry little man. Werner would be compensated for his time and would receive bonuses according to the increase in the crowds and favourable response.
In 1993 I was fortunate to embark upon an adventure that would shape my view of business and how North American and foreign cultures transacted negotiations. I went to Kazakstan to negotiate oil and gas contracts with the recently formed CIS Kazak government, on behalf of a small, but well funded corporation. Although I had never worked overseas, my talent for negotiating was recognized by the president of this corporation. I'm sure he thought this would be a one time trip and I would then be relegated back to negotiating oil and gas agreements in Western Canada, but his high priced consultants had been unsuccessful for 3 months already and he was willing to try something different. My family background was Russian and many of the persons in power were ethnic Russians, a hold over from the Soviet regime. From the moment I was there, I just knew what to say, when to say it and who to say it to. Call it instinct, call it arrogance, call it "talent", call it dumb luck - whatever "it" was I had "it". After 6 months of long drawn out negotiations that took place in Almaty, Atyrau, Uralsk and Aktau in Kazakstan; Istanbul, Brussels and London in Europe - the company I worked for was ready to pull the plug on negotiations for a deal with the Kazaks. It was just after January 1, 1994 that I sat down with the president and gave the most outrageous promise of my life. I asked him to give me one more chance to get a deal. This time we would do it my way only. I didn't want anyone to come with me. I would only return to Kazakstan with my translator. We wouldn't show up with the 20 people normally acting on behalf of the corporation. No lawyers, no accountants, no economists or engineers. Only two "goofs" with a time limit and credibility with the Kazaks from many nights of vodka and cigarettes. The president agreed, only because I was so outrageous in "promising" him that we would get the deal. I believe to this day that my strategy was correct. By showing the Kazaks that our company was ready to walk if a deal was not forthcoming on this "last" trip, they had gotten the message that there were no other concessions to be conceded by our company. Within one day of returning to Almaty, we had a deal. The call back to the head office was awkward. The president didn't believe me when I told him our good news. After sending copies of the final agreement to our head office to be reviewed by the "smart" guys, we had the go ahead to sign final documentation. This official signing was an elaborate affair held in the Prime Ministers main conference room. To say I was way over my head is an understatement. I was signing a formal document next to the second most powerful man in the Kazak government. I looked down at my hand as I signed the agreement and was curious as to why my hand was not shaking. My hand shook most times, but not then, not that time.
Werner worked with the angry little man on the content of his speech, the context of his main points and the tempo of his speech. He taught the angry little man to start slowly at first, almost shy and awkward. This would get the crowd to quiet down and almost root for this angry little man to get through his speech without making too many errors. Then the tempo would slowly build and the man's voice would become louder. People positioned in the crowd would start yelling in response to points being made. The people around these shills would also start to respond, creating a frenzy. The little man would then get totally out of control yelling and spitting his vile rhetoric. Banging his hand on tables, gesturing wildly with his arms. He would blame this group and that group for all of the crowd's ills. It was "their" fault and "their" manipulations and "their" secretive ways. Jews, Catholics, gypsies, gays - they were the cause of this decline in the people in the crowd. He was working them into a frenzy, as Werner had told him it would. And then Werner gave him the cue. The angry little man just stopped. He stood looking out at the crowd, arrogant and looking into the women's eyes. The crowd continued their frenzy as he watched and nodded his head, strutted around the stage and basked in the response he created with the help of Werner.
Werner made much wealth as the angry little man progressed in politics. Werner lived in a most comfortable fashion. But then, things started to change. He was asked to start wearing a yellow star. No disrespect, just a new "rule". He was still being financially rewarded by the angry little man, a man who's "power" far exceeded his stature. Soon he was asked to leave his home for the ghetto. No disrespect, just a new "rule". He was able to buy "stuff" on the black market with his savings, but the compensation was no longer coming from the angry little man. The next day he was rounded up with others in his community and sent by train to a "work camp".
By 1995 I was the Vice President of the company and the Director General of the Joint Venture Corporation in Kazakstan. My responsibilities were mostly political consultations, administration and expat functions. My title had now become who I was. I was no longer that landman negotiating surface access from a farmer, no longer taking mineral leases from 6 am to 12 midnight, no longer negotiating with other companies for joint venture agreements. Now I was talking with ambassadors, meeting with the IMF and World Bank. Traveling first class. Oh yeah, life was "smokin". That is with the exception that I never saw my children from my first marriage. Was losing my second wife through my indiscretions and lack of time spent on our marriage. Basically my personal life was shit, but I was really, really, really important - in my own mind.
And then things started to change. There were new "rules". My authority was being limited, my representation of the corporation was being controlled and restricted. Then one day they stopped paying the Kazak nationals that we had employed. It was around Christmas 1995 and I was informed that all pay to our employees was to stop from this point forward. I was arrogant, self absorbed and egotistical - but I knew what was right and what was wrong. So I went to the ABM-Amro bank where we had our emergency funds for the corporation and withdrew the monies that were in there. My wife and I flew to our office in Uralsk (after paying the employees in Almaty) and made sure that all employees received their pay and bonuses that were owed them. By the time we were in Uralsk my company credit cards had been cancelled and all we had were two plane tickets to Moscow and a few thousand dollars. No translator, no help and in we were in effing Moscow. No easy way back to our home. To say I was a little angry would be an understatement. But, Brenda and I are resourceful and when our backs are against the wall we rise to the challenge. We may have been pissed at each other for our behaviour the past year leading up to this moment. But, we were even more pissed at the persons that tried to "teach us a lesson". They tried to control the wrong people. Armed with a russian/english dictionary, our own credit card with limited credit, a few thousand cash and a united front. We got through customs, took a taxi from the domestic airport to the international airport to arrange our flight back to Canada, found a hotel, had a shower, slept, went to McDonald's, traveled the subway system, went to a large bazaar (flea market) and finally flew back home by Christmas. This may sound easy - but consider that I spoke russian like a three year old when I left Kazakstan, greatly improved my russian under extreme pressure to deal with customs (we had no visa for our stay in Russia, which was usually handled by someone else - someone who actually spoke Russian) and Brenda was in extreme culture shock. That is, until we got to the flea market - where I found out that shopping is the universal language that Brenda was a master at and I had no talent for. We made it home together and committed to rebuild our life together.
Werner kept telling the authorities that he was Hitler's speech writer, they laughed at this man with a yellow star on his clothes. Werner could not believe that after all he done, for his help and guidance, that he was being shipped like all the others to an uncertain future.
Werner survived the Holocost with his street smarts and a renewed faith in his God. He spoke only to his family of his experience and left them with many lessons from what life had taught him.
His greatest lesson for his children was to always use your talents for something you believe in, something that had values attached to its value and always know that what has been given can be taken away.
Today's Blog is dedicated to values and gratitude.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Real Conversations
I think I was 4 or 5 years old at the time. I had, what we would now call a nanny. The woman that looked after me was a poor, black woman. Her name was Matty, at least that's what I remember calling her. We were looking out of the living room window of my family home and a man was walking in front of our house. I turned to Matty and said, "Matty, that man is burnt". Matty stroked the hair on my head and said, "No honey, that man ain't burnt. That man is colored." Back then in the late 50's and early 60's, African-Americans were either called Negroes or Colored people. That is, they were called that in polite society. It was the first time in my short life and in the time that Matty looked after me, that I even recognized that Matty was different than me. You see, at that age - I always looked into her eyes or just felt her presence. Matty was love to me. No skin color or facial features, no fear or anxiety - just love. That was my first real conversation. A conversation that I remember to this day, as if it happened yesterday.
I was working on an oil rig in my early 20's and some guy drove on the rig site and was being disrespectful to one of my co-workers and myself. My co-worker was a farmer and was trying to make some money on the rigs, in order to keep his farm. He must have been in his late 30's or early 40's. A gentleman at all times, respectful and always willing to help us young guys when we were unsure what to do around the rig site. This nice and respectful man turned to the guy who was being disrespectful and just snapped. I don't think I had ever seen someone so angry in my life. He walked over to the disrespectful guy, with a hammer in his hand. My co-worker pointed the hammer at the guy and told him to "shut the fuck up and get off the lease site". The guy in the vehicle was taken aback, turned his vehicle around and left the site. I don't know who he was, don't know why he was there - but, I do know that whatever reason he was there, was not reason enough to stay there. My co-worker came back to where we working and got back to work as if nothing happened. It was about break time and we sat down for a minute. I asked him what that was all about. He was quiet for a bit and then smiled at me and said, "I treat people the same way they treat me. I put up with some bull shit from people I work for, but that guy has been on my ass for awhile. Thinks he is better than me because he has a title and business card. I don't have to take that disrespect from any man". My life to that point was trying to get along, not to create any disharmony where ever I worked, more of a yes sir or no sir kind of guy. That day opened my eyes to a new view of work. A view that a person could work hard, be respectful, be kind and helpful to those he worked with - but, never accept any disrespect from someone in the workplace again. That was a real conversation, one that I remember to this day, as if it was yesterday.
My mother lay in the intensive care unit of the hospital. Tubes and needles sticking in and out of her. She was unable to talk, she had a large tube down her throat so she could breath. Two weeks prior, she was admitted to the hospital for anemia and now she was going to die of cancer very soon. As I sat there night after night, not knowing what to do or say, I held her hand. She was awake and aware at this time and I spoke from my heart to her. We had a strained relationship since I was in high school. More my fault than hers. But now I wanted to say something to her from my heart. "Mom, thank you. You've been a good mother. I was lucky". She squeezed my hand and her eyes smiled. I can't remember if I cried after that. I don't think I did. I don't know why I wouldn't, cause I have tears in my eyes as I write about that conversation now. That was a very real conversation, one I'm glad I had and the emotions I feel as I write this are as if it had happened yesterday.
I was down by the river with Brenda. We had been seeing each other for months. I had been going through an acrimonious divorce and was pretty fucked up. I had shut myself off from feeling any emotion. The woman who I had been married to for 10 years had ripped my heart out and worse, had ripped my children out of my life. The broken heart I knew I would deal with, not holding my children was unbearable. I don't know how Brenda did it. She stayed with me through all the hurt I was going through, all the times I would withdraw from her emotionally, all the times I would generalize women and how I felt about them. She was strong for us both at that time. Not that she gave me strength to get through the divorce. No that was up to me. Up to me and my psychologist. No, Brenda was strong for us and our future as two people in a relationship. I'm sure it would have been easier, many times, for her to move on and find someone else. As I was saying, Brenda and I were walking by the river one evening and then stopped by a tree that was tilting so far over the river that Brenda was leaning up against it. For the first time in many months I felt something in my heart. I looked into Brenda's eyes and told her that I loved her - for the first time we had been seeing each other, I told her that I loved her. I don't think that she understood at the time the depth of my words. She had been so patient, so giving of herself and her body, so kind to my kids when I had them on the weekends - she was probably thinking that it was about damn time I said it. That was a real conversation, I remember it as if was yesterday and I think Brenda finally gets what I mean when I say "I love you'. It's not just three words, it's raising three kids in a blended family, it's being there for each other as parents passed away, it's being strong when death came knocking on our door and Brenda was given back to me, it's finding ways to be physically close when arthritis has riddled our bodies with daily pain. Those three words, "I love you", as if it was yesterday.
My Dad was sitting on his hospital bed. It had been two years since my Mom had passed away. The past two years had been hard on him. He missed his wife and life partner. He had been on dialysis for at least a year and was constantly in and out of the hospital, always in pain. He was lost, lonely and tired. He turned to me and said, "I'm taking myself off dialysis". I don't know if my face betrayed the shock I felt. I fully understood what that meant. My father had decided to quit prolonging the inevitable. He no longer wanted to live without my mother. We had many conversations before he slipped into a coma. The day before he went into his coma, his youngest brother died of a heart attack. Earlier in the year his oldest brother also passed away. I had to make a decision to either tell him about his brother's death or just let it go without mention. We had another real conversation when I told him of the news. "I guess I'll see them all soon", another real conversation, remembered as if it was yesterday.
I won't be writing about the real conversations that I've had with my children. Not yet anyway, I'll save that for another blog.
I was alone in the back yard of our home in Arizona. I had taken time for some health issues and was looking at a minimum of three surgeries to get my health back on track. Brenda was at our home in Canada and it was just myself and my dog Jet. It was warm, the sky was blue, hummingbirds were flittering around the bottlebrush tree and I was deep in thought about the future. I started talking in my head, I looked up at the sky and said my thoughts out loud and even sometimes I would look at Jet and talk to her. It was a conversation about the future. A place to work that was respectful, fun and with a greater purpose than to get the share price up and get as much money as I could get. A greater purpose than myself. A place where the lessons I learned from Matty would be shared with my co-workers. A place where respect was something that was expected and not thought of as a weakness, like I learned from my farmer co-worker on the oil rig. A place where young people would learn from older. A place where those with disabilities, like me and others like me, could continue as knowledge workers. Whether that would be modified work schedules or work from home or even part time. A place that gave back to the community, not for credit and recognition - but, because it is the right thing to do. To love to do something, means to work through challenges and understand a greater reason for doing the things we do. At that moment, I knew that Philosopher's Stone had to be. I had to show the courage that I learnt from my parents, to be willing to risk my carefully planned out future of making shit loads of money and retirement - in order to do what my heart was telling me I had to do.
So now we have an approved name of Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas Foundation, three directors are now in place, application for letters patent are waiting for signature by the directors and approval under the Canada Corporation Act Part II and then further approval from Canada Revenue Agency. Only a month or two behind in the timeline I set in the first blog post. Thank you to all who have helped get Philosopher's Stone to this point. We need your support to make this dream, this hope - a reality.
Now that has been a real conversation.
I was working on an oil rig in my early 20's and some guy drove on the rig site and was being disrespectful to one of my co-workers and myself. My co-worker was a farmer and was trying to make some money on the rigs, in order to keep his farm. He must have been in his late 30's or early 40's. A gentleman at all times, respectful and always willing to help us young guys when we were unsure what to do around the rig site. This nice and respectful man turned to the guy who was being disrespectful and just snapped. I don't think I had ever seen someone so angry in my life. He walked over to the disrespectful guy, with a hammer in his hand. My co-worker pointed the hammer at the guy and told him to "shut the fuck up and get off the lease site". The guy in the vehicle was taken aback, turned his vehicle around and left the site. I don't know who he was, don't know why he was there - but, I do know that whatever reason he was there, was not reason enough to stay there. My co-worker came back to where we working and got back to work as if nothing happened. It was about break time and we sat down for a minute. I asked him what that was all about. He was quiet for a bit and then smiled at me and said, "I treat people the same way they treat me. I put up with some bull shit from people I work for, but that guy has been on my ass for awhile. Thinks he is better than me because he has a title and business card. I don't have to take that disrespect from any man". My life to that point was trying to get along, not to create any disharmony where ever I worked, more of a yes sir or no sir kind of guy. That day opened my eyes to a new view of work. A view that a person could work hard, be respectful, be kind and helpful to those he worked with - but, never accept any disrespect from someone in the workplace again. That was a real conversation, one that I remember to this day, as if it was yesterday.
My mother lay in the intensive care unit of the hospital. Tubes and needles sticking in and out of her. She was unable to talk, she had a large tube down her throat so she could breath. Two weeks prior, she was admitted to the hospital for anemia and now she was going to die of cancer very soon. As I sat there night after night, not knowing what to do or say, I held her hand. She was awake and aware at this time and I spoke from my heart to her. We had a strained relationship since I was in high school. More my fault than hers. But now I wanted to say something to her from my heart. "Mom, thank you. You've been a good mother. I was lucky". She squeezed my hand and her eyes smiled. I can't remember if I cried after that. I don't think I did. I don't know why I wouldn't, cause I have tears in my eyes as I write about that conversation now. That was a very real conversation, one I'm glad I had and the emotions I feel as I write this are as if it had happened yesterday.
I was down by the river with Brenda. We had been seeing each other for months. I had been going through an acrimonious divorce and was pretty fucked up. I had shut myself off from feeling any emotion. The woman who I had been married to for 10 years had ripped my heart out and worse, had ripped my children out of my life. The broken heart I knew I would deal with, not holding my children was unbearable. I don't know how Brenda did it. She stayed with me through all the hurt I was going through, all the times I would withdraw from her emotionally, all the times I would generalize women and how I felt about them. She was strong for us both at that time. Not that she gave me strength to get through the divorce. No that was up to me. Up to me and my psychologist. No, Brenda was strong for us and our future as two people in a relationship. I'm sure it would have been easier, many times, for her to move on and find someone else. As I was saying, Brenda and I were walking by the river one evening and then stopped by a tree that was tilting so far over the river that Brenda was leaning up against it. For the first time in many months I felt something in my heart. I looked into Brenda's eyes and told her that I loved her - for the first time we had been seeing each other, I told her that I loved her. I don't think that she understood at the time the depth of my words. She had been so patient, so giving of herself and her body, so kind to my kids when I had them on the weekends - she was probably thinking that it was about damn time I said it. That was a real conversation, I remember it as if was yesterday and I think Brenda finally gets what I mean when I say "I love you'. It's not just three words, it's raising three kids in a blended family, it's being there for each other as parents passed away, it's being strong when death came knocking on our door and Brenda was given back to me, it's finding ways to be physically close when arthritis has riddled our bodies with daily pain. Those three words, "I love you", as if it was yesterday.
My Dad was sitting on his hospital bed. It had been two years since my Mom had passed away. The past two years had been hard on him. He missed his wife and life partner. He had been on dialysis for at least a year and was constantly in and out of the hospital, always in pain. He was lost, lonely and tired. He turned to me and said, "I'm taking myself off dialysis". I don't know if my face betrayed the shock I felt. I fully understood what that meant. My father had decided to quit prolonging the inevitable. He no longer wanted to live without my mother. We had many conversations before he slipped into a coma. The day before he went into his coma, his youngest brother died of a heart attack. Earlier in the year his oldest brother also passed away. I had to make a decision to either tell him about his brother's death or just let it go without mention. We had another real conversation when I told him of the news. "I guess I'll see them all soon", another real conversation, remembered as if it was yesterday.
I won't be writing about the real conversations that I've had with my children. Not yet anyway, I'll save that for another blog.
I was alone in the back yard of our home in Arizona. I had taken time for some health issues and was looking at a minimum of three surgeries to get my health back on track. Brenda was at our home in Canada and it was just myself and my dog Jet. It was warm, the sky was blue, hummingbirds were flittering around the bottlebrush tree and I was deep in thought about the future. I started talking in my head, I looked up at the sky and said my thoughts out loud and even sometimes I would look at Jet and talk to her. It was a conversation about the future. A place to work that was respectful, fun and with a greater purpose than to get the share price up and get as much money as I could get. A greater purpose than myself. A place where the lessons I learned from Matty would be shared with my co-workers. A place where respect was something that was expected and not thought of as a weakness, like I learned from my farmer co-worker on the oil rig. A place where young people would learn from older. A place where those with disabilities, like me and others like me, could continue as knowledge workers. Whether that would be modified work schedules or work from home or even part time. A place that gave back to the community, not for credit and recognition - but, because it is the right thing to do. To love to do something, means to work through challenges and understand a greater reason for doing the things we do. At that moment, I knew that Philosopher's Stone had to be. I had to show the courage that I learnt from my parents, to be willing to risk my carefully planned out future of making shit loads of money and retirement - in order to do what my heart was telling me I had to do.
So now we have an approved name of Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas Foundation, three directors are now in place, application for letters patent are waiting for signature by the directors and approval under the Canada Corporation Act Part II and then further approval from Canada Revenue Agency. Only a month or two behind in the timeline I set in the first blog post. Thank you to all who have helped get Philosopher's Stone to this point. We need your support to make this dream, this hope - a reality.
Now that has been a real conversation.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Cognitive Dissonance
I recently read an article written by Vaughan Bell from the on-line magazine Slate. Mr. Bell referred to a psychological study that I found interesting. In 1956, a psychologist Leon Festinger wrote a book titled When Prophecy Fails. It was a study on a religious cult called the Seekers that were predicting that a major flood would destroy the North American West Coast.
To paraphrase (or is that plagiarize) Mr. Bell's article. "The study was to determine how the "believers" would react to information that did not match up with their beliefs. His theory was that human beings are strongly motivated to resolve conflict - a state of mind called "cognitive dissonance." Festinger wondered whether they would give up their closely held beliefs, or would they work to justify them even in the face of the most brutal contradiction. The Seekers abandoned their jobs, possessions and spouses to prepare for the coming flood and the aliens in flying saucers that would whisk them to safety. But neither the aliens or the apocalypse arrived. The leader of the group received a "message" saying that the group "had spread so much light that God had saved the world from destruction." The group responded by proselytizing with a renewed vigour. According to Festinger, they resolved the intense conflict between reality and prophecy by seeking safety in numbers. That is, if more people can be persuaded that the system of belief is correct, then clearly, it must, after all, be correct. Festinger opined that human beings will adapt to even the most unlikely of contradictions using nothing more than our methods of everyday rationalizations."
As Harold Camping's followers are preparing for Judgement Day this Sunday May 21, 2011, much of the world is laughing at his followers, their beliefs and actions. Yet daily, millions of North Americans are also following "beliefs" that are being proselytized by the corporations that they work for. Many companies (not all, thankfully) have stated Core Values that in no way match their business model nor their actual corporate culture. These corporations expect and demand that those employed by them "believe" in a system that is clearly contradictory to many of the employee's personal values. Corporations might say that they are a meritocracy, when in fact raises, bonuses and promotions may be based on personality and politics. Corporations might say that their shares are the best investment for your retirement, notwithstanding that most experienced investment professionals suggest that you diversify your investments (is having your salary and retirement investments tied to the same corporation diversification? Ask the former employees of Enron or WorldCom). Corporations might say that employees are their most valued assets and prove that statement is false by their actions. Yet corporations will continue to repeat those statements over and over as if anything said enough times (no matter how false) - will be true.
That was a long way to get to the point of this blog post. It is intended that Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas not only have written Core Values, but ensure that those values are clearly stated and defined in it's documents of incorporation and by-laws. Ensuring a meritocracy will be achieved by management giving clarity to PSOG's vision and strategy for a sustainable charitable foundation and rewarding those employees that meet clearly defined expectations. Employees will not be tied to PSOG with promises of stock options or phantom shares (that are usually apportioned to management in much greater number than to the rank and file staff members) as it is not possible in a charitable foundation. And our employees shall be our most valued asset - because they will not be compensated to the same financial status as many of their peers in the oil and gas industry. Compensation will be a fair and comparable salary capped to 3 X the median family income in the community they work, a bonus maximum of 25% of base salary for all employees, flexible work times (even working at home depending on function and skill set), vacations/sabbatical plans not currently offered in the oil and gas industry and most important - the privilege of working for a purpose greater than ourselves.
I trust that this blog will once again be available for you to read in June 2011. Sorry Mr. Camping - we all have too much to accomplish to have it all end now. To all my friends and colleagues - God Bless.
To paraphrase (or is that plagiarize) Mr. Bell's article. "The study was to determine how the "believers" would react to information that did not match up with their beliefs. His theory was that human beings are strongly motivated to resolve conflict - a state of mind called "cognitive dissonance." Festinger wondered whether they would give up their closely held beliefs, or would they work to justify them even in the face of the most brutal contradiction. The Seekers abandoned their jobs, possessions and spouses to prepare for the coming flood and the aliens in flying saucers that would whisk them to safety. But neither the aliens or the apocalypse arrived. The leader of the group received a "message" saying that the group "had spread so much light that God had saved the world from destruction." The group responded by proselytizing with a renewed vigour. According to Festinger, they resolved the intense conflict between reality and prophecy by seeking safety in numbers. That is, if more people can be persuaded that the system of belief is correct, then clearly, it must, after all, be correct. Festinger opined that human beings will adapt to even the most unlikely of contradictions using nothing more than our methods of everyday rationalizations."
As Harold Camping's followers are preparing for Judgement Day this Sunday May 21, 2011, much of the world is laughing at his followers, their beliefs and actions. Yet daily, millions of North Americans are also following "beliefs" that are being proselytized by the corporations that they work for. Many companies (not all, thankfully) have stated Core Values that in no way match their business model nor their actual corporate culture. These corporations expect and demand that those employed by them "believe" in a system that is clearly contradictory to many of the employee's personal values. Corporations might say that they are a meritocracy, when in fact raises, bonuses and promotions may be based on personality and politics. Corporations might say that their shares are the best investment for your retirement, notwithstanding that most experienced investment professionals suggest that you diversify your investments (is having your salary and retirement investments tied to the same corporation diversification? Ask the former employees of Enron or WorldCom). Corporations might say that employees are their most valued assets and prove that statement is false by their actions. Yet corporations will continue to repeat those statements over and over as if anything said enough times (no matter how false) - will be true.
That was a long way to get to the point of this blog post. It is intended that Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas not only have written Core Values, but ensure that those values are clearly stated and defined in it's documents of incorporation and by-laws. Ensuring a meritocracy will be achieved by management giving clarity to PSOG's vision and strategy for a sustainable charitable foundation and rewarding those employees that meet clearly defined expectations. Employees will not be tied to PSOG with promises of stock options or phantom shares (that are usually apportioned to management in much greater number than to the rank and file staff members) as it is not possible in a charitable foundation. And our employees shall be our most valued asset - because they will not be compensated to the same financial status as many of their peers in the oil and gas industry. Compensation will be a fair and comparable salary capped to 3 X the median family income in the community they work, a bonus maximum of 25% of base salary for all employees, flexible work times (even working at home depending on function and skill set), vacations/sabbatical plans not currently offered in the oil and gas industry and most important - the privilege of working for a purpose greater than ourselves.
I trust that this blog will once again be available for you to read in June 2011. Sorry Mr. Camping - we all have too much to accomplish to have it all end now. To all my friends and colleagues - God Bless.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Incredulous - Amazed - Gobsmacked
Okay, I'm going to make this Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas project idea refined down to two paragraphs.
PSOG is going to buy sweet, shallow gas properties from existing oil and gas corporations, produce the wells and then abandon them, farm out the same lands to other junior oil and gas companies to drill for other zones of interest on the properties, use about 60% of the revenue from production for OPEX, CAPEX, G&A & abandonment program, 30% for debt repayment and 10% for distribution to charities. Once debt is repaid, it will be 60% OPEX, CAPEX, G&A and 40% for distribution to charities.
Wow, did it in one paragraph.
The title of the blog today is a result of the challenges that keep popping up in front of us. This week I found out that we can't be deemed a charity for tax purposes, we can only be a public foundation. That might mean we can't give tax deductible receipts for a portion of the asset purchase price. Apparently the government doesn't want companies to be self sustaining charitable organizations. Therefor, we would have to beg for money from corporations and individuals to then distribute to other charities.
First of all, we're not interested in begging for money. That is exactly what we are adamantly against. The point of a self sustaining charity is to make money with dignity and not beg for it. What is the difference between some poor guy or gal on the street corner or an executive from United Way. I guess the executive is better educated and better dressed; the person on the street corner makes us feel more uncomfortable (for the blessings we have) by their appearance. I guess that's why the United Way makes millions and the corner person only makes enough for a meal and unfortunately some money that might be used for alcohol and/or drugs.
Second, we're not interested in begging for money. The point of self sustaining charities is to demand that municipal, provincial and federal governments quit giving away tax dollars. To prevent them from using that tax money where it best gets them votes. To prevent them from using that tax money to reward party supporters. Using that tax payor money to get a politician's picture taken with a big cheque, next to the successfully dressed executive beggar from the government recognized charity, standing next to the most pathetic, story book person they can find - in order to tug at your heart strings.
Just so you don't think I am a total hard ass, let me tell you a pathetic story. My oldest brother was mentally handicapped. When I was growing up, the world wasn't so politically correct. At that time; he was "retarded". Worse than that, "retard" was used as a negative and a put down. It would be the same disgusting put downs as "faggot" or "nigger" is used to put down those that are different or "less than" - by the cool or established persons of today's society. I always wanted to be cool, so I was embarrassed by my brother's disability. I never brought my friends home, I hid my brother from my world.
Joe was a courier in Calgary for 15 years, employed by an oil and gas company. The man who ran this oil and gas company treated Joe with respect and gave value to his life by providing a job. That job gave Joe a decent life with my parents. Gave Joe the opportunity to compete at the Special Olympics. Gave Joe the opportunity to go to Calgary Flames games and was befriended by that organization. When both my parents passed on, it was up to my second brother and I to look after Joe.
My second brother being the more responsible and compassionate of the two of us at the time, looked after Joe's finances and medical issues. I did very little other than lunches, dinners or the odd ride to some function. Joe had a nice life, good friends (both disabled and "normal") and went to work daily. Unfortunately it was time for Joe to retire. By this time my second brother had moved away and it was up to me to be more "responsible".
After returning from a work posting in South America, I now had more contact with Joe. I had grown up, become more understanding of his disability and more understanding of my failings as a brother. Just when I was able to embrace Joe into my life, he died of a heart attack. The people at his funeral were many, because he had touched the lives of many. This person with many challenges, this person called a "retard", this person I had been embarrassed to be seen with - in the end had lived a life of independence and achievement.
Now you may ask why this is a pathetic story. Joe's life wasn't pathetic. What was pathetic, was that I had lost out by having minimal contact with him. What was pathetic, was that I put others before my brother. What was pathetic, was that I was too soon to material wealth and too late to have compassion for the disabled and those less fortunate than myself. What is pathetic, is that I am now more embarrassed by not embracing my brother, than I was embarrassed by my brother when I was growing up. Now that is pathetic.
Wow, that took longer than two paragraphs.
Where was I ? Oh yeah, finally we're not interested in begging for money. We want to be self sustainable (like my brother Joe was). We want to make money to distribute to charities and touch others lives in a positive way (like my brother Joe did). And in the end, PSOG will be remembered not for having challenges, but meeting them with dignity and independence (like my brother Joe did).
I am incredulous, amazed and gobsmackedquo. That over $ 2 billion dollars may be spent on an election in 2012 in the USA and the main political point will be unnecessary and unsustainable spending by the government.
I am incredulous, amazed and gobsmacked that many billions of dollars have been raised for expensive oil and gas projects that have a 1 in 10 chance of being commercially viable. And yet no group is currently financing business models for the day when production revenues are close to zero and abandonment liabilities will be the responsibility of shuttered and bankrupt companies - some in other countries. Will our provincial governments outsource call centres for the debt collection of environmental liabilities. They have enough problems and expense collecting unpaid parking and traffic tickets - how successful will they be collecting millions for the orphan well project. Albertans may end up with an environmental sales tax. Why not let sustainable charities have the last share of production to clean up this mess and do some good for the communities that the operations are in.
I am incredulous, amazed and gobsmacked that more money is spent on inventing and developing methods of how to taser, kill, maim and destroy others; than is allowed for developing new and sustainable means of giving to those in need in our local communities.
I am incredulous, amazed and gobsmacked that PSOG is asked the question "why" rather than "why not" . so to paraphrase a line from John F. Kennedy "others may ask why, I ask why not". Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas - quit asking why. Ask why not.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Thank you Mr. Chomsky
Recently Noam Chomsky (Institute Professor emeritus in the MIT Department of Linguistics and Philosophy) wrote "As long as the general population is passive, apathetic, diverted to consumerism or hatred of the vulnerable, then the powerful can do as they please, and those who survive will be left to contemplate the outcome."
This quote is taken from a more in depth writing regarding greater world policy issues than the Philosopher Stone Oil & Gas project. It made me think more regarding the motivation behind PSOG. The point he makes is directly related to the reason and purpose of PSOG. We will no longer be passive and apathetic, we will effect change in the oil and gas industry. We will no longer be absorbed in consumerism; working for less money, but with more purpose. No longer shall bad behaviour towards those vulnerable within our community be acceptable, we will contribute to our employees and those charities that lift up those more vulnerable than ourselves. This will be accomplished not through confrontation, but by example and action.
I recently had lunch with a successful oil and gas executive that is on his second "start up". Having made millions of dollars through his efforts and those efforts of the employees around him - he was kind enough to listen to me regarding the PSOG project. This person has helped raise over $ 16,000,000 for charities and I valued his view of our idea. He struggled with the "numbers" for profitability of minor non-operating interests, potential liabilities associated with "legacy" properties and the overall benefit to large corporations for disposing of any production in this business environment. All valid and well thought out opinions.
Finally, he gave his opinion that all corporations would rather give money directly to their charities of choice, rather than flow a benefit through Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas. The reasoning was - "to get PR or credit for their charitable donation". He may be right, many people and corporations donate for the status and publicity given in the media for their "good deeds". This is not bad - the charities and the persons that benefit from those charities are receiving much needed funds. The reasons and motivations are therefor irrelevant.
I appreciated this person's advice and counsel and thanked him for his time. After our lunch I started to have doubts about the viability of Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas. One question he asked was the spark for this blog. He asked "why are you doing this". He was curious as to my motivation. I being a somewhat defensive person when my motives are question; quickly, and with maybe too much enthusiasm, gave him some facts of my life and viewpoints of why I wanted to succeed with this project. I'm fairly intuitive and I sensed that my explanation did not register with him. After that lunch I had a workout and had time to reflect on our conversation.
I determined that my defensive response was my own "ego" getting in the way of "something greater than myself". On further reflection, I remembered how my parents had given charity while they were alive. Their giving was always with anonymity and with gratitude that they were fortunate enough to share their modest wealth with others in need. They gave of their time in the community. They even sponsored a family from the former Soviet Union to live in Canada. The sponsored couple's two children flourished; one became a lawyer ( I forgive him : ) and the other an architect. Never did my parents ask for a memorial or press release for their charity to others. So when my lunch appointment made clear that corporations wanted the credit for their giving - it was a light bulb moment for me.
So after 1 hour on the elliptical and sweat pouring off my body. I committed to the following:
This quote is taken from a more in depth writing regarding greater world policy issues than the Philosopher Stone Oil & Gas project. It made me think more regarding the motivation behind PSOG. The point he makes is directly related to the reason and purpose of PSOG. We will no longer be passive and apathetic, we will effect change in the oil and gas industry. We will no longer be absorbed in consumerism; working for less money, but with more purpose. No longer shall bad behaviour towards those vulnerable within our community be acceptable, we will contribute to our employees and those charities that lift up those more vulnerable than ourselves. This will be accomplished not through confrontation, but by example and action.
I recently had lunch with a successful oil and gas executive that is on his second "start up". Having made millions of dollars through his efforts and those efforts of the employees around him - he was kind enough to listen to me regarding the PSOG project. This person has helped raise over $ 16,000,000 for charities and I valued his view of our idea. He struggled with the "numbers" for profitability of minor non-operating interests, potential liabilities associated with "legacy" properties and the overall benefit to large corporations for disposing of any production in this business environment. All valid and well thought out opinions.
Finally, he gave his opinion that all corporations would rather give money directly to their charities of choice, rather than flow a benefit through Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas. The reasoning was - "to get PR or credit for their charitable donation". He may be right, many people and corporations donate for the status and publicity given in the media for their "good deeds". This is not bad - the charities and the persons that benefit from those charities are receiving much needed funds. The reasons and motivations are therefor irrelevant.
I appreciated this person's advice and counsel and thanked him for his time. After our lunch I started to have doubts about the viability of Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas. One question he asked was the spark for this blog. He asked "why are you doing this". He was curious as to my motivation. I being a somewhat defensive person when my motives are question; quickly, and with maybe too much enthusiasm, gave him some facts of my life and viewpoints of why I wanted to succeed with this project. I'm fairly intuitive and I sensed that my explanation did not register with him. After that lunch I had a workout and had time to reflect on our conversation.
I determined that my defensive response was my own "ego" getting in the way of "something greater than myself". On further reflection, I remembered how my parents had given charity while they were alive. Their giving was always with anonymity and with gratitude that they were fortunate enough to share their modest wealth with others in need. They gave of their time in the community. They even sponsored a family from the former Soviet Union to live in Canada. The sponsored couple's two children flourished; one became a lawyer ( I forgive him : ) and the other an architect. Never did my parents ask for a memorial or press release for their charity to others. So when my lunch appointment made clear that corporations wanted the credit for their giving - it was a light bulb moment for me.
So after 1 hour on the elliptical and sweat pouring off my body. I committed to the following:
- First and foremost - I have to keep getting in better shape. Much hard work is ahead of us to make Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas an example of what can be and not what is expected.
- Second, the message of Philosopher's Stone has to be more clear and articulated so that those that are open to the possibilities, can "feel" the motivation of our actions
- The financial support for this project is the greatest challenge and we will continue to discuss the vision of PSOG with those investors that are "really smart" and have ideas for creative (stop it - it will be legal and ethical) financing.
- Finally, I will continue to refine the message and talk to as many people as I can to make this dream a reality
Thursday, April 14, 2011
For those of us optically challenged, I had to IMAGINE I could actually read what was sent out
Imagine a corporation committed to the benefit of the community.
Imagine a corporation that limits “executive” base compensation to 3 X the median family income of the community in which they work.
Imagine bonuses limited to 25% of base compensation to all employees (including “executives”). Bonuses that are granted based solely on our contribution to the designated charities.
Imagine a corporation that will only compensate its employees with a “livable” wage, not the minimum.
Imagine that all types of employees; no matter race, creed, disability or sexual orientation can strive to learn, work and prosper in a corporation that is dedicated to something greater than ourselves.
Imagine leaving all that you are part of, in better condition than what it was found in. The community, its people and its environment.
Imagine a corporation that fills a niche in an industry that will benefit other corporations in the industry, our government, our community and our charities (that are struggling for funds to do the good work that they do).
Imagine a corporation that is truly sustainable, that is more concerned with the next quarter century than the next fiscal quarter.
Met with our attorney this week and we are preparing an application to the federal government for charitable status. This application may need revisions before it is accepted and may lengthen the timing of “startup” closer to 8-12 months from this date.
Please comment on this idea and give whatever thoughts you may have. Without your input, the idea that is Philosopher’s Stone is limited – the goal is to make this greater than ourselves. Keep in mind that this must run as a business that makes money (it is not a charity for any one group). It is our dream that this corporation makes lots of money and the goal is $10,000,000 to be distributed annually to our designated charities. This won’t happen overnight – might take some time, might never happen. But, that is the goal – we all need goals.
Philosopher’s Stone Oil & Gas - IMAGINE
Imagine a corporation committed to the benefit of the community.
Imagine a corporation that limits “executive” base compensation to 3 X the median family income of the community in which they work.
Imagine bonuses limited to 25% of base compensation to all employees (including “executives”). Bonuses that are granted based solely on our contribution to the designated charities.
Imagine a corporation that will only compensate its employees with a “livable” wage, not the minimum.
Imagine that all types of employees; no matter race, creed, disability or sexual orientation can strive to learn, work and prosper in a corporation that is dedicated to something greater than ourselves.
Imagine leaving all that you are part of, in better condition than what it was found in. The community, its people and its environment.
Imagine a corporation that fills a niche in an industry that will benefit other corporations in the industry, our government, our community and our charities (that are struggling for funds to do the good work that they do).
Imagine a corporation that is truly sustainable, that is more concerned with the next quarter century than the next fiscal quarter.
Met with our attorney this week and we are preparing an application to the federal government for charitable status. This application may need revisions before it is accepted and may lengthen the timing of “startup” closer to 8-12 months from this date.
Please comment on this idea and give whatever thoughts you may have. Without your input, the idea that is Philosopher’s Stone is limited – the goal is to make this greater than ourselves. Keep in mind that this must run as a business that makes money (it is not a charity for any one group). It is our dream that this corporation makes lots of money and the goal is $10,000,000 to be distributed annually to our designated charities. This won’t happen overnight – might take some time, might never happen. But, that is the goal – we all need goals.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas - Cynics and Integrity
Just a quick update on the setting up of Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas. Meeting with our lawyer and accountant (always hire people way smarter than yourself !!) to discuss timing of the application for charity status. I hope to have the applications into the authorities on or before June 1 of this year. It will the take 6-12 months to get approval as a charity status corporation or trust from the Canadian government. This will allow for scoping out of oil and gas properties, secure financing/credit arrangements and setting up policy/procedures for acquiring and maintaining the targeted properties.
Today's title was prompted by one of the most outrageous stories that I have seen regarding an oil and gas related corporation. Transocean (you know; Gulf of Mexico, BP, oil spill, 11 souls lost) granted "safety" bonuses to their "executives" for a job well done this past year. Seriously ? Why not just send birthday cards to the 11 people that lost their lives in that unfortunate and preventable event.
Transocean's lack of "humanism" in the face of their cynical explanations of "targets" and "responsibilities" showed a lack of integrity that was steeped in cynicism. Further, Transocean's lack of awareness as to how the victim's families and society in general would view this grab for cash by individuals complicit in this "accident" - exposes a prevailing attitude in the oil and gas industry. An attitude of "what can I get and how fast". There is nothing wrong with making a profit, there is nothing wrong with giving bonuses and rewarding people; I do question when companies push "productivity" and "bottom line" at the expense of safety and integrity in an effort to get those profits and bonuses. Bonuses that are divided up disproportionately between highly paid "executives". Why not set a percentage of each person's base salary not to exceed 25 %. And let's say that 25 % is the same for each employee. I mean - you only get bonuses if the "corporation" hits their targets. That's not socialism or communism - it's just good and ethical capitalism (I would like to say "humanism").
I've had people ask why I am leading the charge to start Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas. Questions like "what's the angle", "how do you make money at that", "why the f*#k would you do that". They've asked if I've "got religion". Therefor, I owe an explanation to those reading this blog and those supporting this idea.
I no longer want to work in a cynical environment and fight to retain my integrity in the face of "leaders" who have questionable values. I no longer wish to dedicate my knowledge and energy to a corporation that is more like a psychopath being served by sociopaths. I want to spend my remaining work years doing something that my children and grand children can be proud of. Instead of leaving them a big inheritance, I want to leave a legacy of service to my family and my community.
Oh, by the way. Transocean's executives made an announcement that they were donating their bonuses to the 11 families of the terrible accident. Only after the media and others put the absurdity of "safety bonuses" in Transocean's face did they give up this money.
Cynicism and integrity. Transocean is not the oil and gas corporation with an abundance of one and a deficit in the other.
Today's title was prompted by one of the most outrageous stories that I have seen regarding an oil and gas related corporation. Transocean (you know; Gulf of Mexico, BP, oil spill, 11 souls lost) granted "safety" bonuses to their "executives" for a job well done this past year. Seriously ? Why not just send birthday cards to the 11 people that lost their lives in that unfortunate and preventable event.
Transocean's lack of "humanism" in the face of their cynical explanations of "targets" and "responsibilities" showed a lack of integrity that was steeped in cynicism. Further, Transocean's lack of awareness as to how the victim's families and society in general would view this grab for cash by individuals complicit in this "accident" - exposes a prevailing attitude in the oil and gas industry. An attitude of "what can I get and how fast". There is nothing wrong with making a profit, there is nothing wrong with giving bonuses and rewarding people; I do question when companies push "productivity" and "bottom line" at the expense of safety and integrity in an effort to get those profits and bonuses. Bonuses that are divided up disproportionately between highly paid "executives". Why not set a percentage of each person's base salary not to exceed 25 %. And let's say that 25 % is the same for each employee. I mean - you only get bonuses if the "corporation" hits their targets. That's not socialism or communism - it's just good and ethical capitalism (I would like to say "humanism").
I've had people ask why I am leading the charge to start Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas. Questions like "what's the angle", "how do you make money at that", "why the f*#k would you do that". They've asked if I've "got religion". Therefor, I owe an explanation to those reading this blog and those supporting this idea.
I no longer want to work in a cynical environment and fight to retain my integrity in the face of "leaders" who have questionable values. I no longer wish to dedicate my knowledge and energy to a corporation that is more like a psychopath being served by sociopaths. I want to spend my remaining work years doing something that my children and grand children can be proud of. Instead of leaving them a big inheritance, I want to leave a legacy of service to my family and my community.
Oh, by the way. Transocean's executives made an announcement that they were donating their bonuses to the 11 families of the terrible accident. Only after the media and others put the absurdity of "safety bonuses" in Transocean's face did they give up this money.
Cynicism and integrity. Transocean is not the oil and gas corporation with an abundance of one and a deficit in the other.
Friday, April 1, 2011
First Blog - Philospher's Stone Oil & Gas
This blog is to be a running chronicle of the challenges of starting a Not-For-Profit Oil and Gas Corporation (yeah, yeah ; not for profit - on purpose).
As we go through the process of application for status as a charity from the tax authorities, identifying a Board of Directors, rallying support from the oil and gas industry, financing this venture and finally - putting this plan into action and operation; the reader will share our experiences and be asked to give their opinions and advice as we progress.
The name Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas is a reflection of our challenge to take the industry's sh*t (minor working interests, declining oil & gas fields, etc.) and turn it into gold for our designated charities.
This will take accurate property evaluation, efficient work processes and a lot of luck.
Unfortunately, Philosopher's Stone will benefit from oil and gas corporations wanting to reduce their costs by increasing their productivity and efficiences (i.e. layoffs or worse - one person doing a two person job), increase their profit per barrel of oil equivilent (sometimes at the risk of the environment and safety) and the growing unrest in the Middle East.
Fortunately, Philosopher's Stone will be there to hire staff. We will train those new to the industry, provide a place for semi retired workers to continue earning money - and still provide flexibility in time and the work environment. We will not descriminate based on gender, sexual orientation, disabilities or race - however, we will descriminate against those whiny, no ambition, me first types that permeate the industry and its offices.
In subsequent posts I will try not to sound like I have a stick up my .........
Please comment as you see fit, be patient with my initial blogs and see that we are trying to create something bigger than ourselves for the benefit of our community.
As we go through the process of application for status as a charity from the tax authorities, identifying a Board of Directors, rallying support from the oil and gas industry, financing this venture and finally - putting this plan into action and operation; the reader will share our experiences and be asked to give their opinions and advice as we progress.
The name Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas is a reflection of our challenge to take the industry's sh*t (minor working interests, declining oil & gas fields, etc.) and turn it into gold for our designated charities.
This will take accurate property evaluation, efficient work processes and a lot of luck.
Unfortunately, Philosopher's Stone will benefit from oil and gas corporations wanting to reduce their costs by increasing their productivity and efficiences (i.e. layoffs or worse - one person doing a two person job), increase their profit per barrel of oil equivilent (sometimes at the risk of the environment and safety) and the growing unrest in the Middle East.
Fortunately, Philosopher's Stone will be there to hire staff. We will train those new to the industry, provide a place for semi retired workers to continue earning money - and still provide flexibility in time and the work environment. We will not descriminate based on gender, sexual orientation, disabilities or race - however, we will descriminate against those whiny, no ambition, me first types that permeate the industry and its offices.
In subsequent posts I will try not to sound like I have a stick up my .........
Please comment as you see fit, be patient with my initial blogs and see that we are trying to create something bigger than ourselves for the benefit of our community.
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