Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Finally !!!!

Finally !!!! you won"t be receiving these blog posts in the future.

Finally !!!! you can feel comfortable that all future emails from me, as whitecollarblackheart@gmail.com will be an attempt to contact you for coffee, lunch or just catch up.

Finally !!!! the bombardment of higher values and purpose will come from another email.

Finally !!!! Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas Foundation has its own website.

Please go to www.psogf.org to review, comment and make suggestions for the web site design and content.  I did the design myself, with the help of Weebly.com software.  Although it is not complete as of today, I will continue to improve it with your help.

My new email regarding PSOGF is barry.lainof@psogf.org

I am looking forward to your comments and suggestions.