This quote is taken from a more in depth writing regarding greater world policy issues than the Philosopher Stone Oil & Gas project. It made me think more regarding the motivation behind PSOG. The point he makes is directly related to the reason and purpose of PSOG. We will no longer be passive and apathetic, we will effect change in the oil and gas industry. We will no longer be absorbed in consumerism; working for less money, but with more purpose. No longer shall bad behaviour towards those vulnerable within our community be acceptable, we will contribute to our employees and those charities that lift up those more vulnerable than ourselves. This will be accomplished not through confrontation, but by example and action.
I recently had lunch with a successful oil and gas executive that is on his second "start up". Having made millions of dollars through his efforts and those efforts of the employees around him - he was kind enough to listen to me regarding the PSOG project. This person has helped raise over $ 16,000,000 for charities and I valued his view of our idea. He struggled with the "numbers" for profitability of minor non-operating interests, potential liabilities associated with "legacy" properties and the overall benefit to large corporations for disposing of any production in this business environment. All valid and well thought out opinions.
Finally, he gave his opinion that all corporations would rather give money directly to their charities of choice, rather than flow a benefit through Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas. The reasoning was - "to get PR or credit for their charitable donation". He may be right, many people and corporations donate for the status and publicity given in the media for their "good deeds". This is not bad - the charities and the persons that benefit from those charities are receiving much needed funds. The reasons and motivations are therefor irrelevant.
I appreciated this person's advice and counsel and thanked him for his time. After our lunch I started to have doubts about the viability of Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas. One question he asked was the spark for this blog. He asked "why are you doing this". He was curious as to my motivation. I being a somewhat defensive person when my motives are question; quickly, and with maybe too much enthusiasm, gave him some facts of my life and viewpoints of why I wanted to succeed with this project. I'm fairly intuitive and I sensed that my explanation did not register with him. After that lunch I had a workout and had time to reflect on our conversation.
I determined that my defensive response was my own "ego" getting in the way of "something greater than myself". On further reflection, I remembered how my parents had given charity while they were alive. Their giving was always with anonymity and with gratitude that they were fortunate enough to share their modest wealth with others in need. They gave of their time in the community. They even sponsored a family from the former Soviet Union to live in Canada. The sponsored couple's two children flourished; one became a lawyer ( I forgive him : ) and the other an architect. Never did my parents ask for a memorial or press release for their charity to others. So when my lunch appointment made clear that corporations wanted the credit for their giving - it was a light bulb moment for me.
So after 1 hour on the elliptical and sweat pouring off my body. I committed to the following:
- First and foremost - I have to keep getting in better shape. Much hard work is ahead of us to make Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas an example of what can be and not what is expected.
- Second, the message of Philosopher's Stone has to be more clear and articulated so that those that are open to the possibilities, can "feel" the motivation of our actions
- The financial support for this project is the greatest challenge and we will continue to discuss the vision of PSOG with those investors that are "really smart" and have ideas for creative (stop it - it will be legal and ethical) financing.
- Finally, I will continue to refine the message and talk to as many people as I can to make this dream a reality