Thursday, April 7, 2011

Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas - Cynics and Integrity

Just a quick update on the setting up of Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas.  Meeting with our lawyer and accountant (always hire people way smarter than yourself !!) to discuss timing of the application for charity status.  I hope to have the applications into the authorities on or before June 1 of this year.  It will the take 6-12 months to get approval as a charity status corporation or trust from the Canadian government.  This will allow for scoping out of  oil and gas properties, secure financing/credit arrangements and setting up policy/procedures for acquiring and maintaining the targeted properties.

Today's title was prompted by one of the most outrageous stories that I have seen regarding an oil and gas related corporation.  Transocean (you know; Gulf of Mexico, BP, oil spill, 11 souls lost) granted "safety" bonuses to their "executives" for a job well done this past year.  Seriously ?  Why not just send birthday cards to the 11 people that lost their lives in that unfortunate and preventable event.

Transocean's lack of "humanism" in the face of their cynical explanations of "targets" and "responsibilities" showed a lack of integrity that was steeped in cynicism.  Further, Transocean's lack of awareness as to how the victim's families and society in general would view this grab for cash by individuals complicit in this "accident" - exposes a prevailing attitude in the oil and gas industry.   An attitude of "what can I get and how fast".  There is nothing wrong with making a profit, there is nothing wrong with giving bonuses and rewarding people; I do question when companies push "productivity" and "bottom line" at the expense of safety and integrity in an effort to get those profits and bonuses.  Bonuses that are divided up disproportionately between highly paid "executives".  Why not set a percentage of each person's base salary not to exceed 25 %.  And let's say that 25 % is the same for each employee.  I mean - you only get bonuses if the "corporation" hits their targets.  That's not socialism or communism - it's just good and ethical capitalism (I would like to say "humanism").

I've had people ask why I am leading the charge to start Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas.  Questions like "what's the angle", "how do you make money at that", "why the f*#k would you do that".  They've asked if I've "got religion".  Therefor, I owe an explanation to those reading this blog and those supporting this idea.


I no longer want to work in a cynical environment and fight to retain my integrity in the face of "leaders" who have questionable values.  I no longer wish to dedicate my knowledge and energy to a corporation that is more like a psychopath being served by sociopaths.  I want to spend my remaining work years doing something that my children and grand children can be proud of.  Instead of leaving them a big inheritance, I want to leave a legacy of service to my family and my community.


Oh, by the way.  Transocean's executives made an announcement that they were donating their bonuses to the 11 families of the terrible accident.  Only after the media and others put the absurdity of "safety bonuses" in Transocean's face did they give up this money.

Cynicism and integrity.  Transocean is not the oil and gas corporation with an abundance of one and a deficit in the other.