Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Controlling Your Environment

I am 55 years old and I am finding that the things in my life that I can control are limited and getting more restricted as the years go on.  I used to control everything with respect to my body, finances, where I lived my life and what I did for work.  I had some control with my children and some control in my relationship with my wife.  However, this past year has exposed my control issues and how past patterns no longer work for me.

In two weeks I am going to have surgery to replace my right shoulder.  My third surgery in a period of 12 months.  This is not the first joint replacement performed on my body.  Both hips have been replaced in the past.  As you can see, I have little control over the joints and other bones and nerves in my body which can be attributed to osteoarthritis.  I did have control over letting my weight go over the recommended BMI and I have in the past played sports with violent intent.  Now I have limited control over the arthritis that has infected my body and it pisses me off.  If I were a victim, I would say woe is me and give up. I would let pain and limited range of motion control my life going forward.  But I won't let this disease totally control me.  I have lost 55 pounds of fat from my body, I work out as best I can with walking and kettle bells three times per week and I watch my food intake in order to continue losing more fat.  I'm not Brad Pitt, but I don't look too bad for 55 - and getting better every day.  If I would have waited for surgery in Canada it would have taken almost three years to have this next surgery done.  So I am paying for this operation myself down in Arizona (the cost of a mid range vehicle) and getting one step closer to having physical control of my body.

I used to have total control over my finances, however the politicians, bankers and hedge fund gangsters have more control over my finances now, than I do.  Increasing taxes, bad mortgage loans and financial instruments of mass destruction utilized by hedge funds and banks globally, have created worldwide uncertainty as to the value of fiat money, the stock market and the crashing of real estate values.  If I were a victim, I would say woe is me and give up.  But I won't let this situation control my life going forward.  So we have eliminated all debt, reduced our cost of living as if we were retired and we are embarking on new chapters in our working lives to maintain a comfortable and fulfilling life .  We have decided that we will give back to those in need (Philosopher's Stone Oil & Gas Foundation is getting closer to reality), though we will still have to work for a living.  If I was to be fired tomorrow, I would still control how I live my life.  Not quite "eff off and die money" - but, enough.

My children are grown up now.  I'm so proud of who they've become.  They are better than I was at their age and I might admit (if I didn't have all these control issues) that they are better human beings than I am now.  So proud.

My wife has not only become my lover, co-parent and friend; she has grown into a confident and powerful woman.  More comfortable in her own skin than in the past.  Petty control issues no longer get in the way of our communication.  A true life partner.  One not to be controlled and manipulated, but respected and counselled with.  So lucky.

So let's get back to my control issues.  I figure I've been doing my best with my health and finances.  Reasonably successful to date and on the right path.  But, I still needed total control of something in my life.  I thought and pondered.  I researched and deliberated and have "pulled the trigger" on my quest for total control.  I consulted with no one, I made this decision on my own.  I based this decision on my experience, knowledge, anecdotal and empirical evidence and I have found a way to exercise total control in a world gone mad.

TOTO "Drake" C744EF.10 with an ST743S tank.

That is my expression of total control at the age of 55.  I have researched, procured, directed the installation and utilized the best toilet I have ever personally had control over acquiring.  That is what control has come to mean in my life.

I can't control if my wife loves me or not.  I can't control if my children are happy or not.  I can't control if the company I work for fires me or not.  I can't control if my body will continue to degrade due to osteoarthritis or not.

I can control how I live my life, what meaning I give to each event in my life and I damn well will control the throne I sit on.

This will be my last post for awhile.  Typing with my left hand will be frustrating.  However, I hate being controlled so I just might send out my blog ramblings after my surgery on September 12th.  Thank you all for reading and commenting on my thoughts.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Depression 2012

The Euro zone's financial system is collapsing, USA is printing more fiat dollars in QE3, prices of commodities are deflating, assets are devaluing, gold as a "safe haven" is skyrocketing, countries in the Middle East are collapsing, taxes are going up, more aggressive tax collection methods are being utilized worldwide, wars and rumors of wars abound, politicians globally are being exposed for lies and scandal, earthquakes, hurricanes and other "acts of G-d" are daily news events, global equity market volatility, doubt of the stability and funding of public and private pensions worldwide, yadda, yadda, yadda.

In 2008 depression was estimated to effect 121 million people worldwide and the anti-depressant drug market reached sales of around $ 11 billion.  Common side effects are anxiety, nausea, sexual dysfunction and weight gain.

Bailouts, buyouts, secret loans to "too big to fail" banks and financiers worldwide, miscalculations and errors in economic policy by politicians and other global leaders, formerly North American based corporations moving head offices and jobs offshore to reduce or eliminate taxes, Venezuela demanding a return of their physical gold, uncertainty of the last audit of worldwide central bank gold stores, drug resistant diseases and environmental disasters are escalating and illegal drug cartels are winning.

This guy's business was in major financial trouble.  His net worth was sunk into a failing business - he owed family, friends and banks.  He was depressed and swallowing prescription drugs to improve his mental state.  Anxiety, nausea, sexual dysfunction and weight gain were his companions.  He was contemplating taking his own life.

As a last resort he went to his religious advisor (PC speak for priest, minister, rabbi, etc.) and spoke of his predicament.  When he was done, his religious advisor suggested the following.

"Go to a lake with a chair and your bible and sit by the lakeside.  Open the bible and let the wind turn the pages until it stops flipping. Look at the page and your answer will be revealed."

One year later, the businessman, wife and children meet with the religious advisor.  The businessman and his family are dressed in designer clothes, expensive jewelry and driving a Rolls Royce.  The businessman hands an envelope stuffed with one hundred dollar bills to the advisor and thanks him for helping in a time of need.

"So you went to the lake with your bible ?"  The businessman nodded his head, yes.  "And you let the wind decide on the page? "  The businessman nodded his head, yes.  "And what was the revelation that came to you?"  The businessman smiled and said, "Chapter 11."

It seems the more people take prescription drugs, alcohol, illegal drugs and other self medicating and life distracting actions - the more anxiety and dysfunction is evidenced in their lives and the global financial system.

So what am I going to do ?
  • How about I laugh a little and not take myself so seriously.
  • Quit listening and watching the news and doomsayers
  • Reduce and/or eliminate all debt
  • Budget our finances, time and energy
  • Celebrate and appreciate my family and friends
  • Be grateful for all I have been blessed with
  • Make Philosopher's Stone Oil and Gas Foundation a successful reality
What other options are there for Depression 2012 ?
  • Buy guns and lots of ammunition
  • Buy gold and silver
  • Buy food for storage
  • Store water and have a purifying system
  • Buy guns and lots of ammunition

So what will be your reaction to Depression 2012 ?

Me and my wife, we'll just play it by ear as always.

(My theory is that the number of persons with depression worldwide, will rise in correlation to the percentage increase in the price of gold.  Note to those who have no sense of humour, start taking large doses of Effexor, Cymbalta, Lexapro, Paxil, Wellbutrin, Zoloft and Remeron.  Consider investing in pharmaceuticals.  It's not going to get any easier over the next few years either financially or politically ; )

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Conspiracy vs. Self Interest

Wall Street is screwing us.

The Chinese are financially attacking us.

The Illuminati are controlling us.

What a load of pure, unadulterated bullshit.

Wall Street isn't screwing us.  Some very greedy, controlling, evil people; in some financial firms addressed in lower Manhattan and other places around the world; are doing all they can to rig a game that they know and understand the rules of.  They follow most rules, break some rules and lobby for the repeal or passing of other rules.  All of this, to sucker other greedy "investors" into unrealistic returns (Maddoff), reduced taxes (Lehman Bros.) or hiding of money offshore (Switzerland, Panama, Cayman, etc.).  The greedy are screwing the greedy and the average schmo is just collateral damage.

Comparing the stock and bond market to No Limit Hold 'em, the average schmo's life savings would just be "dead money".  The players that understand the math of their game - pot odds, implied odds and can "read" hands will come out with the winning hands in the long run. Thus the full time "investors" with inside information or better and more current analysis will have more "winning hands" then incompetent "investors" and the "dead money". This is how it has been in the past and will continue into the future.  Is this a conscious "Conspiracy" or is this just self interest layered upon self interest that somehow forms a common pattern that is interpreted as a "Conspiracy".  

When humanity follows the gold, instead of the golden rule - this common pattern of a "Conspiracy" is inevitable.  Self interest is based on a philosophy of scarcity.  If there is only 21 metres by 21 metres of gold ever mined in the history of the world, then what percentage of that gold can be acquired for the least value and sold or hoarded at the most value. That would be an easy calculation if we left it at the 21M by 21M cube.  Now add options and futures, ETF's, 24 karat or 18 karat gold jewelry, central bank precious metals policies based on nationalistic self interest, current gold production, future gold production, fear, greed....  It then becomes a much more complicated calculation as to what the true value of gold is.

And let's not forget that in the past, those with the most effective military would confiscate the gold from those with less "power".  Or a government might make a new rule that no private citizen could own gold, that couldn't happen could it ?  Well it was done by the US government at the time of the last Great Depression.  So is it a scam to scare people into buying gold at inflated prices and then confiscate that same gold for devalued US dollars, is this a "Conspiracy" or just self interest layered upon self interest that somehow forms a common pattern that is interpreted as a "Conspiracy".

The Chinese are taking over the world's economy and will screw us all.  Really ?  This is a nation that has to feed, clothe and house billions of people.  A nation that has various ethnic groups that are attempting to break away from the centralized Beijing government, a nation that is so desperate to maintain internal power that they must over pay for many commodities and technologies in order to feed an unrelenting appetite for economic growth and international influence.

In Canada, if 30 million people are pissed at high taxes - they have an election, nothing changes, a hockey game pre-empts a national debate by its leaders and within 6 months all is forgotten.

In the US, if 300 million people are pissed at high taxes, they have an election, nothing changes, the NFL goes on strike and captures the attention of the press and citizens. Then the media go on and on and on and on arguing politics from a conservative or liberal point of view until everyone is tired of hearing about it.  The NFL starts its season and all is forgotten until the next election, next terrorist attack, next war (kinetic military action ?) or the government confiscates privately held gold.

In China, if a billion people turn on every electric appliance, light or other power source at the same time for 1 month - there will be a crisis.  If 1 billion people decide to eat 30% more food for a month - there is a crisis.  If a billion people all decide to stand still in the streets of Beijing for a month - there is a crisis.  If a billion people decide to go on strike and not work for a month at essential services - there is a crisis.

If the US dollar dramatically goes down in value as it relates to gold:

  • US interest rates should go up (but the Fed says they won't until 2013), USA citizen's debt would be affected by that action (but, it won't because debt will be repaid with devalued dollars due to inflation) - but US exports will be energized and compete or beat the EEU and the Asian Tigers
  • Canadians will buy more US real estate and cars as a result of a stronger Loonie, will get the extra cable bundle with super fast Internet and unlimited texting and will complain about paying taxes - any taxes.
  • China will have a crisis (the Yuan is unofficially fixed to the US dollar to give them an export advantage, $ 1.6 Trillion in US debt bought by the Chinese with those export dollars that were acquired by unfair trade practices and monetary policies - will be repaid by the US in an equally underhanded way - with devalued US currency).
  • In the end - the "average schmo" is "dead money" and collateral damage.
Now is this a "Conspiracy" orchestrated by the US government, the Multinational Banking Conglomerates, the Illuminati or any number of groups, religions or races that have been blamed over the centuries past ?

Come on - quit believing in the bogey man.  Let's all admit that we are driven by self interest and quit blaming the "Conspiracy".  We layer self interest, upon self interest, upon self interest.  Justifying our self interest by blaming the conspirators, the powerful, those smarter or more devious.  Let's stop that nonsense.

Let's prosecute and hold accountable the people that break the laws, let's hold our politicians accountable by participating in relevant debates and let's teach our children the Golden Rule.

More importantly; quit panicking, stay out of debt, put away for a rainy day, get and stay healthy and love your family.

In the end, most of us are just "dead money".

(Read the previous blog for advice on how to do the right thing)